scared bird

  1. I

    I think my parrot afraid of the dark?

    I am starting to think my double yellow head amazon is afraid of the dark every time i put Theyre cover they start running to the only spot where theyres light does this mean they are scared of the dark or just dont want to sleep?
  2. S

    Hand fed baby Mexican green conure afraid of people

    I adopted a 7 week old, hand fed Mexican green conure two recently. While it was being hand fed, is very very afraid of humans outside of feeding time. I think the previous owner fed the bird and basically ignored/stayed away from it otherwise. I’ve done a lot of research on helping birds bond...
  3. E

    help me please!!

    we used to hold my conure, hartley, a lot and then we got a dog so we don’t hold him as much anymore. my older brother was good with him and held him more than anyone else. hartley had a strong bond with him. however, last year, my brother left for uni and for the first while no one held hartley...
  4. D

    Wild Parrotlet

    Hello everyone! My history: 4 years at a pet store taming birds. I use to work with the “difficult” / abused birds to help them get re adjusted and to trust people again. I use to bring home some birds to work with them after years of abuse to get them to the point of trusting people again...
  5. KazutheBudgie

    Parakeet suddenly freaking out? (Update)

    Hello, I'm a fairly new parakeet/budgie owner and my little guy has been kind of spooking me lately. I've had him for around almost a year now, coming up to around 9 months, and he's a very happy and healthy bird. He sleeps soundly in his cage, has free flight all around my room (and the house...
  6. caintowers

    My new budgie was traumatised on day 3... advice please!

    Hello y'all and thanks in advance. I've been wanting a pet bird for years, and years, and years, and finally felt I was in a place where I could adopt one. I purchased a beautiful blue budgie and got him set up in a lovely cage with everything a bird could desire. He spent the first day...
  7. H

    Never been out of a cage, my first bird

    I just got my first bird three days ago from a privately owned pet store. He's a cockatiel that's just over a year old and I named him Winston. He is an absolute sweetheart and took to me immediately. Within the first 10 minutes of me putting him in his flight cage, he was already eating and...
  8. Yuki-tiel

    Scared Cockatiel

    A week and a half ago or so i got this adorable male 8 month old cockatiel from a petshop. He was alone there in a cage since his mate was already sold and was fed a only sunflower seed diet. I got him better food, toys, and a big cage and now i got him a cuttlebone and want to feed him veggies...
  9. S

    New Quaker Parrot

    Good morning! I just joined this forum, as I recently acquired a new baby quaker parrot. I found that she wasn't really eating anything even after the first few days. She only would eat the very tiny seeds from the seed mix that I would give her and wasn't eating any of the pellets or any...
  10. P

    9-months old ringneck

    Hello, I have ringneck parrot for 4 months now. I am spending as much time as I can with him/her. I bought him from man who had these parrots in outside cage. First he was scared but now, if i put my hand into his cage he is trying to fast bite my hand. If I am near his cage and talking, he...
  11. florisvb

    Red-belly scared to go into sleeping cage

    Our 1.5 year old red belly, Wasabi, has been happily stepping into his sleeping cage in the evenings for his whole life until the other day when something frightened him. Now he is terrified to go in there. I don't know exactly what triggered it, but it started when I wiped up some spilled...
  12. K

    goffin wants nothing to do with me or my family

    hello, friends :) i’m very new to owning cockatiels and birds in general, but i have family in my household that helps me with them. we have 2: a smaller cockatiel and a bigger goffin cockatiel. the smaller buddy behaves well with us and we have no problem with him. the goffin, however, changed...
  13. G

    Help me tame my Conure

    Hello everyone, I recently got my newest little buddy, Kiwi/Link (still can't decide) the green cheek conure, other than a Fischer Lovebird :rainbow1:, this is my first experience taming and bonding with a bird. I've done a lot of research before getting him and I understand the general...
  14. D

    Need help with taming

    I have two red rumped parrots in a single cage. It's been around 5 weeks since i've got them. Male has a very funny, loud and deffending personality, the female on the other hand is usually shy, but that doesn't keep her from doing the hammer time with her buddy almost every single day...
  15. Amayaluna

    Scared wild-caught mealy Amazon

    Hey guys, my family has a wild-caught mealy Amazon. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, we do not support the industry. They were caught by government and sent to zoos (for free) to all parts of the world. We live on the other side of the continent and a contact zoo got quite a few of those...
  16. B

    I scared my bird

    Hello, I have had a brown head parrot for 2 years now. He is a wonderful boy who is super cuddly and trusting. Recently, he has been a little nippy and temperamental but generally still quite nice. Today, I gave him a shower and I asked him to climb onto my hand so I could work out some of his...
  17. FlyingTorchy

    Big set back on hand taming little Caso. Help!

    Hello all! I am new to the process of starting hand taming a parakeet from scratch( the ones that I've had previously were tamed and very sweet). I let Caso live on my desk for the first 2 months so she could get used to my voice and me being in her area. She has started taking interest in me...
  18. Dkat333

    Frankie my New Alexandrine

    Hi Everyone, I have been reading through all the pages etc. But still am concerned about the progress we've (not) made. :confused: I got an Alexandrine 4 weeks ago, was 16ish weeks old when we got him. He seemed super calm and comfortable when we met him. Once him he was terrified we gave him...
  19. J

    Terrified conure

    Hi guys I have a new conure and I made the mistake of buying one that was maybe mistreated. When I showed up at the breeders home to pick my conure they were packed 6 tight into maybe a 2 foot by 2 foot cage. And she transported them by throwing a towel on them and shoving them into a cage. My...
  20. A

    Help with new White fronted Amazon

    Hi everyone, so I got this new White Fronted Amazon from a local breeder according to him he is less than a year. The bird looked fine on the shop but since I brought him home, he looks scared. will normally sit all the time at corner of the cage and breath heavily when we try to come near him...
  21. S

    Help with scared conure (green cheek)

    Hello everyone I bought a green cheek conure 8 weeks ago he's still a baby as he was born earlier this year. I did clip his wings as soon as I got him home because the owners told me he was very tame but once I got him home I received an email saying that he was never tame. I've been attempting...
  22. P

    i need some real help

    so i bought my Indian ringneck about 5 days ago, in the shop the owner told me that he was very friendly and doesn't bite yet he failed to show that, i bought the little guy and i trained to step up the first day and all was good, but then the second day is when my trouble started, he would want...
  23. G

    Trouble with 1 yr old galah male

    Sup peeps I got a prob with my 1 year old galah I got a few days ago today is (23/3/15) And it's been pretty what u call scared not interactive although I don't blame him I I don't know who's been his owner or how much owners he has had and how they treated him. he walks away from us when we...
  24. Rufio850

    GCC and certain toys

    My GCC is 1 and a half year old. He is starting to get into his toys more. He loves playing with the paper, his favorite toy are bottle caps from sodas (don't worry we wash them). I found this squid toy with a bunch of hanging rope and beads. It's called the Giant Squid Bird Toy. Says it is...
  25. edgarsmommy

    Edgar the BG is scared of everything.

    So I've had Edgar a few months now and hes finally adjusting but I have one problem HE IS SCARED OF EVERYTHING. When he's out of his cage he won't leave my arms, he won't go on the couch, on the bed, on the floor, on a chair, I even bought him a portable perch to see if he would get off my arms...
  26. macawtornado

    How do you transition into a new phase of clicker training?

    My sister and I have been clicker training our Miligold Macaw to perch near us outside of his cage for the past couple of weeks. When we first got him he was very nervous/scared. He has shown a lot of improvement. He is nearly always out of his cage now, tries to get our attention, shows us that...
  27. L

    B/G Macaw scared of dogs

    I adopted a B/G macaw from a friend of mine just over 2 monts ago. I had never had a bird before, but Lady was is bad place. She was living in an outside "aviry" in mid winter in England and the cage was way too small and dirty. She had plucked a lot of her feathers on her wings and the rest...
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