has anyone fed puffed grains to their birds? i used to eat them a lot, and have recently thought about offering some to my green cheeks! i think that they might like the texture. any opinions on them? are they safe? ( for reference, here's a pic of puffed kamut, but there are more like puffed...
Hi everyone.
I have a very spoilt 2yold Alexandrine called Baz. Each time he sees you with food he expects you to share!!! I read up on the net that they cannot eat chocolate and avocados so he doesn't eat them. Every night a dinner we have 5 dinner plates for the family plus one small plastic...
*********************menadione sodium bisulfite complex*******************
I haven't read anything but scary stuff about this, such as this typical info:
"has been banned from use in food and supplements for human use in many European countries due to serious side effects, including permanent...