rosy bourke

  1. woodsyfarms

    Cage Upgrade Recommendations for Bourkes Parrot

    Hi! I just got a Bourkes parakeet/parrot and shes wonderful! I hope this is the right place to post this! right now i have my new girl set up in a 31” long cage that seems to fit her well but i was wondering if anyone knew of any cage that was designed for small birds but is around 47-50...
  2. M

    Looking for an Aviary around north NJ to rehome by bourkes

    Most of the day they just hang around eachother and chill. I've tried giving them toys but they have not been interested. Sometimes I play videos of bourkes singing for the male. He loves to sing along and tries to find what he thinks are new birds in the house. He's really animated and excited...
  3. M

    Should I rehome my bourkes?

    I have 2 bourkes. My mother raised a male but didn't give it much attention so it doesn't like people. Recently he has become comfortable with me. He was not active and would sit by the window doing mostly nothing almost every day. I got another bourke for it and the 2 are close. This younger...
  4. K

    Thinking about adding a lovebird

    Hi all! :57: I currently have a wonderful Rosy Bourke, and I've been thinking about getting another bird, but I have some questions. I absolutely would NOT house them together, but would they be ok coexisting with supervised time in my room? I'm a college student, living at home, and I have...
  5. M

    My first Rosy Bourkes! Opinions?

    This is my first time as a member of this community and I just got my first pair of Rosey Bourkes today! I had read up on them and expected them to be very flighty and nervous but one of them is the sweetest little thing! It hops up on my finger and follows me everywhere! The other one is very...
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