rose breasted cockatoo

  1. 20241110_184705.webp


    Archie and Elvis. I joke that they share a collective brain cell. Here they are using their one brain cell to eat lol
  2. C

    Not fully weaned?? (RB2/Galah)

    Hello, I thought the universe just happened to fall into place as I was ready for a new bird in my life, and I was able to get hold of a beautiful Galah. I want to preface this by saying it’s also only the first few days of me having him. He eats pellets and fresh veggies wonderfully, and...
  3. Q

    Looking for a breeder

    Hello! You can call me Queen or Innocent! :) I am an 18 year old coming into an inheritance who is ready for her first big bird!! I have done the researching, the understanding of negatives and positives, and the experience. I am resolved and positive to find my first long term companion...
  4. Chewyena

    Galah Cockatoo Behavioral Help!

    Hello! This'll be my first thread posted on this website so I hope I'm doing it correctly! I have a Rose-Breasted Cockatoo named Mambo, he's presumed male, and we've had him for around eight months now! We got him from a local bird convention, and we were told he was a rescue and therefore not...
  5. Oedipussrex

    Charlie a re-home with a few annoying quirks...

    Hi everyone! This isn't our first rodeo, but this will be my first cockatoo. My mum and grandparents used to have a different galah & corella, but I don't really consider them, or our other old birds, real cockatoo experience on my behalf. Meet Charlie. Everyone was calling Charlie "him"...
  6. Oedipussrex

    not entirely new...

    Hi everyone 🙂 I've been gone a while. So while I'm not a new member I'm back. I stepped back from birds for a while after I had to have Pickle my eclectus euthanised. But now my sister and I have landed ourselves with a beautiful galah so here we are. She's at least ten years old, probably...
  7. H

    Help Me, I Think I Messed Up... Happy's Not Happy

    Happy seems hormonal. He just seems all around annoyed with life. My once "somewhat" independent, calm Happy bird is now clingy and unhappy with all his toys. I'm sure I made things worse by letting him fly to my bed and hang out with me. He has a blanket that I would wrap around him and he...
  8. H

    Happy Hello Everyone

    My name is Shannon and I adopted an 8 year old RB 5 months ago. Everyone called me crazy for a couple of reasons... #1. I am a first time bird owner. #2. The bird spent the first 8 years of his life in a barn with about 15 other birds. Very little human interaction. ( not tame at all)...
  9. ann

    Tell me about your Rosies/Galahs!!!

    OK, so I had my heart absolutely set on getting a yellow collared macaw as my next bird. I even had the opportunity to play with a bunch of babies and I loved them! However, the more I think about it, the more I need a family bird that would be less prone to becoming a one person bird. A YCM has...
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