
  1. J

    Keeping birds and cats separate

    Hello everyone, I registered on this forum specifically to ask this question. Background: My girlfriend has a cat, I have an indian ringneck parrot, Henry. I still live with my parents (with the bird), she has her own place with her cat. Short-term we've managed to go three weeks living together...
  2. Halsies

    Blue ring neck

    Hey guys! I'm new here and just wanted to ask if enyone can help me find out what kind of a blue color my male ringneck is.. Hope you can see it well on the images. Thanks in advance! ā˜ŗļø
  3. K

    Will my irn lay any more eggs?

    So i have a pair of irn. This is their first time laying, the female laid the second egg on thursday and hasnt layied since today is sunday. I am told that they lay eggs every 36 to 48 hours and its been well over 48 hours. Below i atached a screenshot of my hen she seems that she has an egg...
  4. Screenshot_2023-11-22-17-11-05-94_801f28eb9241a3b9f99f86d45218c87a.jpg


    My baby Eli, 11 weeks old
  5. K

    New ringneck inquiry

    Hi, I bought a new 5 month old ringneck parrot and she was very scared when we got her. I bought her from a pet shop who told me that she did not have human contact and thus might be afraid but he said she was semi-tame. I think she was in a poor condition in regards to cage space and...
  6. RingneckRave

    Anyone else's ringneck growl?

    So I've noticed something with my two, they make this noise that sounds like a growl and in the exact kind of context you'd expect it to be. When they're irritated, or annoyed, they make this growl sound to express that. It's like a little warning that they're uncomfy and to back off. Usually...
  7. RingneckRave

    RIngneck growing ring!!

    I am very excited, as only a few days ago I spotted some tiny black feathers underneath Bluey's chin. He's a boy! And he is going to grow a handsome black ring!! To be honest, I already figured he was a boy based on his behaviour, but now it is confirmed. Does anyone else remember when they...
  8. K

    Blue ringneck mate selection

    Hi I have a blue ringneck hen (2022) I whould like to ask what is the best colour to pair her so i can get the most colour combinations?
  9. Z

    Separating Ringneck couple

    Hey I bought a young couple of ringnecks last year, i think they're are 2 years old, Frank and Betty, the male hasn't developped his ring yet(which means he hasn't reached maturity) I wanted to have some babies this year, but it doesn't look like they will, at least till next year. I also bought...
  10. M

    Help me understand my rescue bird!

    Hi, new here, from the UK. I have a green cheek conure that we hand raised ourselves, silly tame! No issues. We recently rescued a female Indian ringneck, very little is known about her past, sheā€™s 3-4 years old, told that she prefers women (she definitely does), that she loves to fly and was...
  11. A

    Help with taming ringneck

    Got this untamed 7 month ringneck two weeks ago and as my family have never owned a bird we are unsure if things are not going well. -In the beginning he was very scared of us and would cling to the back of his cage. He would be pacing back and forth and that didn't seem like a good sign so we...
  12. T

    Seeking Advice - Female Indian Ringneck (Male Alexandrine Questions)

    I currently have a female Indian ringneck who Iā€™ve been working with for five years. She chose my dad as her mate, but she knows Iā€™m her caregiver. I have not lived with my parents in a while, and Iā€™ve been living with my partner for a while. I have done so much research and gone through phases...
  13. T

    Seeking Advice - Female Indian Ringneck (Male Alexandrine Questions)

    I currently have a female Indian ringneck who Iā€™ve been working with for five years. She chose my dad as her mate, but she knows Iā€™m her caregiver. I have not lived with my parents in a while, and Iā€™ve been living with my partner for a while. I have done so much research and gone through phases...
  14. Rayneandpepper

    Sick ringneck?

    Hello, today I bought a green Indian ringneck and moved her into my room. She seems rather sick, drooping her head and moving slow. Sheā€™s only a few months old. I also noticed she has this strange spot on her beak, Iā€™ll attach an image if anyone knows what it is. Is this a cause for concern? Iā€™m...
  15. P

    What color is he?

    I adopted this male recently and his previous owners said his color is called ā€œplacidā€ and that they think he is an albino. Iā€™m suspicious though, because he does have a slight ring. In certain lighting he also has a blue tint to his feathers, but in general he just looks white to me. So Iā€™m...
  16. Wesseljamesk

    My new ringneck is scared of hands and humans.

    I am a new owner to a ringneck parrot. My ringneck parrot is name is tweety.I just got home five days ago in a market in the middle of Paris. Ever since Iā€™ve gotten him heā€™s been very scared of humans and human touch. In fact he screams very loud if I even get a chance to touch him. To try and...
  17. CricketIRN

    Indian ringneck leg injury

    I got Durra on August 9 she came with a limp. Itā€™s going to be a month now and she still limps. She hops around sometimes using her other leg. She does walk sparingly and her grip is good. And she never stretches it out. Iā€™m scared itā€™s broken and there are no avian vets in my country. What...
  18. P

    Baby Parrots bite each other

    This is really serious and I need your help. Here is a little background: I have 2 2-month-old ringneck parrots. Meenu and meethu. We got them a huge cage with 2 perches and toys and moved them downstairs( they spent most of their time upstairs in my room but since it is getting hot we brought...
  19. R

    Indian ringneck seems to having seizure

    Hi From past few days my indian rigneck appears to doing something with her legs which seems like seizure. A gif has been attached. Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/2J2Dvou Do I need to be concerned? Any help would be appreciated
  20. G

    Possible color mutations of this IRN pair?

    Greetings everyone! First time posting here :) I have this pair of IRN that laid some eggs (hatched already). Here is the picture (male on the right) I'm curious to know what are the color mutations that may come out of this pair. Also, what are the pair called. I'll add some pictures of the...
  21. S

    Baby ringnecks and BATHING!

    Hey! I have two baby IRN's who are a month old. So I know I'm not supposed to give them a shower but at what age exactly can I give them a shower because they're starting to stink and their feathers are starting to have a weird texture to them. Also, there's no proper info about it anywhere :(...
  22. S

    Urgent advice needed for baby ringneck

    Hey all, I just got a hand reared Indian ringneck a week ago (3 months old) Its not aggressive, but when it's on me, it will just reach down casually and chew on my skin and draw blood. Is this normal for ringnecks? I've had other parrots but I assumed with it being hand raised it wouldn't do...
  23. A

    Wondering about the sex of my Ringneck

    Hi ya'll. This is Dara, my 17-month-old African Ringneck. Wondering if you can help me figure out Dara's sex via the color or shape of their head. Dara occasionally walks over to a mirror and will give it a little lick with eyes that pin, but not often. No heart-shaped wing motions. Dara...
  24. O

    Can I trust my breeder?

    Hi there! This is my first post on the forum so forgive my noobie-ness. I've been looking around for an Indian Ringneck for some time now, I have now found someone who buys them from a breeder friend and re-sells them. She calls herself a bird trader. The birds look very healthy, they're...
  25. C

    Questions regarding my ringneck

    Hello everyone, I'm totally new to this forum so I'll try to briefly explain my questions and what my parrot looks like. I've established that my baby parrot aged 1 year old named Rio is a ringneck and the colour is totally green. However, this is my first time owning a parrot in general and I...
  26. Gokha

    Please help identify the species of my ringneck.

    Hello, I own a ringneck that is around 8 weeks old, started flying recently and on my way to wean it. I got her/him when the baby was around 3-4 weeks old and i thought it was an IRN. But now, looking at my bird and other IRNs, i see differences in beak color (itā€™s not red), size of feet and...
  27. I

    getting bird to like flight suit?

    Just a note: Yes i know some people don't like flight suits but please don't leave hate in the comments. Thank you. My ringneck has worn her homemade flight suit quite a few times, Maybe 3 or 4 in the past few days. Unfortunately since it's homemade we wouldn't condition her to it since we had...
  28. G

    It's been 6 months, 0 progress.

    Alright, today was the first time I scolded my IRN. Literally, after months and months of trying to build trust, being extremely patient to all sorts of biting and misbehaviour, and getting him used to his environment, he still has some absolute hatred for me. Scratch that, it's not me, it's my...
  29. Chiriceanu

    I think I gave my bird too much attention and spoiled him. What can I do now?

    I've only had my indian ringneck for a week. In this time he bonded a lot with me. He is now almost completely tame. However I think I made the mistake of giving him too much attention. I've spent most of the day with him, playing, cuddling and giving him treats and toys. I recently learned...
  30. A

    Help Marcel and me

    Hello! I am new here and I thought this would be good place to ask for advice. A little bit of a background at first. A couple of months ago, my mom told me that there was a ringneck at her work; (she works as a nanny) the parents had bought the parrot as a birthday present for their kid but...
  31. P


    Hi, My IRN loves playing with pencils.......is this dangerous for him? I just wondered because its actually graphite and not led...
  32. P

    IRN attacking toys or playing?

    Hi, My IRN is 10 months old and since he started playing with toys (about 8 months ago) he has always 'attacked' a certain toy. They are a set of cat toy balls with bells in them that i strung on a string and hang in his cage. He lunges at them and hits them, when they swing back at him, he...
  33. D

    My 5 month old ringneck

    So recently i traveled so i had my cousin take care of my parrot, my pareot really didnt mind being with my cousin. So when i came back after 20 days i have noticed that my parrot has started to bite me for no reason and when he tries to bite me and i give my arm a little shake he tries to...
  34. D

    4 month old ringneck

    My 4 month old ringneck has lost his tail feathers only, but i have not seen any regrowth. Is it because he is young and the regrowth is taking longer then usual. He didn't lose all the tail feathers at once
  35. D

    7 week old IRN

    My 7 week old ringneck started flying recently he has also reduced the number of time he eats. But he is more active then before and more happy as well. Should i worry about him. Also he jumps in his food bowl and litterly starts digging and throws his pellets out of the bowl. He does this only...
  36. B

    I need help FAST - ringneck parrot flew into incense oil

    Hi. I'm in need of help and fast. I am visiting my parents with my 7 month old ringneck parrot Wesley. He was on my shoulder and he got spooked by something and flew off my shoulder, tried to perch on a incesce bottle with sticks that emmit the smell and he has ended up covered in incense oil! I...
  37. Migi.oso.priti

    Are my training sessions with my bird hurting our relationship?

    Hello all, I'm brand new to the forum and I joined to get feedback on this question. I got a 5 month old Indian Ringneck named Dagger (when I first met him he bit me and drew blood, hence the name) about a month ago and I've been taking all the typical advice (no sudden movements, soft kind...
  38. L

    Pionus as a first bird

    Hello! My name is Louise, and Iā€™m thinking about getting a bird. Iā€™ve never owned a bird before, but I have done many months of research and Iā€™ve narrowed my choices down to three species: a ring neck, a cockatiel, or a Pionus. Of these three, the Pionus are definitely my favorites, but I want...
  39. C

    My few month old ringneck is scared of me... help.

    I recently received a blue Indian ringneck which to my knowledge is only about is few months old. I got it from a friend who could no longer take care of it. I have only had him for about a week. If I put my hand near the cage, he gets anxious and isn't comfortable at all. If I put my hand in...
  40. M

    I'm scared

    Hey there, I got an Australian ringneck outiside in the cage but that is not so important. Yesterday evening I went check him and give him some Green food from hand which was not poisonous, he take food but not eat it. At the moment i was scared but i was hoping that thing get better next day...
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