
  1. M

    Rehoming African Gray

    Hello, I hope you can help me. I have a 28 year old African Gray parrot. As a family we're not your typical bird lovers and maybe don't provide the care he needs or deserves. Not to say he is being neglected, he's felt as part of the family and we provide the best we can for him. After delving...
  2. Jacob1302

    Question About Getting a Second Conure

    I’ve had my Pearly Conure, Phil, for 3 years, but recently finished school and have been home less due to work. To ensure Phil isn’t alone, I’ve decided to get a second bird. Unfortunately, my local options are quite limited. The only nearby rescue within 150 km is very selective about who they...
  3. soultmatthews.chelsie

    Looking to rehome my conure.

    Iguazú is my male green cheek conure. I adopted him from a breeder about 4 years ago (Laura’s Little Parrots in Fort Worth, Texas). Long story short, my husband and I recently moved into an RV. We’re having a house built. Although we’ve chosen not to travel in the RV during this time (the next 3...
  4. B

    Rehoming Surprise Gifted Conure

    Hello, I was looking for resources or anyone in the Cleveland Ohio area that has been looking to own a Conure for a while. My ex (right before they dumped me) bought me a parrot as a surprise gift when they knew I was looking to join the Air Force in 6 months, I feel really guilty about this...
  5. M

    Looking to reconnect: Chicago B&G macaw named Maya

    Hello, My name is Skylar! I am looking to reconnect with a blue and gold macaw my parents rehomed shortly after I was born. Her name is Maya and she was born in 1991. My moms are veterinarians and they had a baby blue and gold come in to the emergency room with a burned esophagus and the...
  6. J

    Rehoming an IRN parrot to get a friendlier bird

    Two years ago my parents decided to get an Indian ringneck parrot, Jolly, one week after the unfortunate passing of our loved IRN Judy who died at 23 years of age. They wanted to get a male parrot as they're known to be friendlier and more active, however after having Jolly for a while, she...
  7. M

    Looking for an Aviary around north NJ to rehome by bourkes

    Most of the day they just hang around eachother and chill. I've tried giving them toys but they have not been interested. Sometimes I play videos of bourkes singing for the male. He loves to sing along and tries to find what he thinks are new birds in the house. He's really animated and excited...
  8. M

    Should I rehome my bourkes?

    I have 2 bourkes. My mother raised a male but didn't give it much attention so it doesn't like people. Recently he has become comfortable with me. He was not active and would sit by the window doing mostly nothing almost every day. I got another bourke for it and the 2 are close. This younger...
  9. Peachtheconure

    I need to re-home my sweet Green cheeked Conure.

    Peach is a lovely and very friendly and funny almost 2 year old Conure. She can fly on demand for pine nuts and loves to just be on your shoulder. My mom and I share her so she isn’t a one person gal. She isn’t a huge fan of my 9 year old son and occasionally bites him for no reason. She...
  10. S

    How to deal with sudden jealousy in Quaker Parrot?

    My partner and I have had our Quaker parrot Milo for 8 months, and he has just turned two. We decided to get a rehomed green cheek conure and bring her home to meet him. His attitude has completely changed towards me though, he has become jealous and aggressive. He doesn't seem to want to let...
  11. E

    I may need to rehome my Sun Conure, I feel hopeless and desperate.

    I have a Sun Conure named Gilly who was rehomed to me at the beginning of the year. He is 4 years old and he is the love of my love, he has the biggest personality and is extremely affectionate and loving. But like all Suns, he can be quite loud at times and needs lots of attention. I'm living...
  12. B

    Rehoming advice for budgie?

    Hello all! I'm really backed into a corner here and I figured this would be as good a place to ask as any- does anyone have any advice for rehoming a budgie? Particularly in southern california / fontana/san bernardino/la area? I have reached out to any and all parrot rescues, bird...
  13. chloe.millar

    Re-homing my green cheek conure :(

    Hi there! My name is Chloe, and I got Bree (my GGC) when I was 14. I did extensive research and felt extremely prepared to take care of her, and I was. Unfortunately due to mental health issues at that time, I was hospitalized, and when I got back my mother had gotten rid of her. Fast forward...
  14. J


  15. J

    Jeff is looking for a new home

    Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and coping ok in these weird times. I am posting with a heavy heart, because I find myself needing to re-home my gorgeous peachfaced lovvie Jeff Bridges (I know, the name is silly!) 
 His mate, Pearl, passed away about 10 days ago and Jeff is now sadly on...
  16. N

    Rehomed DYH Diet Transition

    Greetings everyone! New to the forum with 10 years of living with parrots under my belt. All but one of my birds are rescues or rehomes having been given to me, two from our local animal control. Recent addition is a DYH amazon, beautiful girl we’re calling Bonfire. I’m worried about this bird...
  17. M

    New to the community

    Good morning all you bird lovers! My name is Michael and I am new to this community. I have previously owned several birds including a tiel, peach and Fischer's Lovebirds, a quaker and my last and most precious is a TAG. But I am moving up into the world of large birds by welcoming home a 3 year...
  18. B

    Rehoming an Alexandrine in Texas

    Hi All, I have an Alex who is about 7-9 years old. We adopted him about 3 years ago, and have worked with him extensively during that time. He is a very loud boy who screams when I am home, expecting to be out of cage whenever I'm around. Having said that, I have been forced to work from...
  19. tavele

    Rehoming? my lesser blackwing Jardine

    Not 100%, but thinking of rehoming my parrot. She is wonderful, sweet, talks whistles and sings, about 11 years old now, prefers women, will step up to almost anyone, and is on a pellet and fresh diet. I have had her for a long time now, but the problem is with my husband. They do not get along...
  20. R

    New member in Florida

    I have been volunteering for a parrot rescue here in Florida and love them! I have learned so much and now I am looking to find my forever parrot! I hope to learn more here and make new parrot loving friends!!
  21. Conureflock

    Conure conundrum, please help

    I’ve asked for advice on this situation before but again have found myself in a conundrum, here’s my situation: I currently own 3 conures, I’ll reference them as 1,2 and 3 to stop confusion but don’t be worried, I genuinely love them all very much. 1 is the birdie I got first, 16 months ago when...
  22. 1oldparroter

    Want to Re Home Electus Parrot (s)

    I am 70 now and been studying parrots. There are only 5 species that aren't dander dusty and the Eclectus male is my choice of them. I am retired and on a limited income so I can't afford to buy such an expensive bird; but I can afford to feed and accommodate one and have the time to give it...
  23. B

    Advice please on accepting rehome of macaw

    Hi, new here but not new to parenting parrots, although it's been a while. Had 2 conures and a goffins cockatoo, but unfortunately had to rehome them after a house fire displaced me for almost a year. Since then I've had a baby, been divorced, been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, I'm on...
  24. C

    Rehoming my umbrella cockatoos

    I thought I would drop you a line about my two umbrella cockatoos coco and razzle ... Coco was a rescued cockatoo who had a home from 1992 until 2005. when he bit his owners daughter and was given to me , coco was very sad and had began to pick his feathers... I set out to fix coco. new and...
  25. D

    Wanted: African Grey in the NY, NJ or Conn. Areas

    Good Day: I'm in search of a 1 to 3 Yrs. of age, healthy African Grey Parrot with ring. I'm searching in the New York, Connecticut or New Jersey area. I will be personally picking him or her up. I have a traveling case and a huge new cage. I can afford up to $350.00 in total re-homing fees and...
  26. M

    How to Rehome?

    We have made the very difficult decision to rehome our Congo African Grey. The main reason being health issues. My husband's asthma has been progressively getting worse. He spent 5 nights in the hospital in February and he still was having symptoms when he came home. He has been to an allergist...
  27. C

    Anyone else from Pennsylvania?

    I'm interested in adopting or purchasing a parrot from someone who is looking to rehome. I have found a rescue in Pittsburgh PA but I believe they only do adoptions within an hour of the rescue :( I live about 2 hours away. If anyone here has any info on other rescues in PA I would love to know...
  28. S

    I'm new! Hoping for some helpful advice :-)

    Hi All- So glad I found this site! My name is Starla and I live in Georgia. I have an Eclectus parrot named Romeo, of which has lived in this home for 20 years this year. He is actually my fathers, but my father is truthfully incarcerated. He has lived here since a baby, and my father has been...
  29. R

    GCC with cage

    Rehoming a GCC I live in upper WV have a GCC that needs rehomed. I got her as she is only about 4 months old and I am ashamed as I have to rehome her and I have not had her that long at all. I feel like I can't not fully be with her as I planned. I wish I could as I love all birds and wanted...
  30. C

    Salmon-crested Cockatoo Rehome

    Mature Moluccan in the Phoenix, AZ area. Will personally deliver anywhere in AZ or meet at the border of CA, NM, NV. Will not ship!! Asking a rehoming fee of $1300, will come with large beige parrot cage, toys, treats, and year supply of food. Male, salmon-crested cockatoo :white1: We have...
  31. S

    African grey attacking.

    Hi, thanks for any help in advance. My Congo African Grey has never liked women and never liked my mum, he has always fluffed up his feathers when she goes into the room. She talks to him daily but has never been able to feed him without getting bitten. He has slowly become more aggressive...
  32. B

    My beloved Harry and I

    Hello Everyone, I am new here, and I have been impressed with the knowledge people share. The love of my life didn't turn out to be a man. It turned out to be my parrot Harry. I have had him 22 years. I saved him from this awful pet shop. I am 58 years old, disabled, and alone now. But I live...
  33. D

    Lovebird needs new home

    Hello, my name is Datura. I have had my lovebird Coralline for two years now, and we've been through a lot. I got her from a pet store that was very abusive and careless with their animals, and have worked hard to make her happy again. She sort of has an attitude, but it is apart of her charm...
  34. T

    Chicago area - need to rehome 2 parrots

    1) I have a Goffins that we think is female and about 25-30 yrs old. She was my mother's bird and when my mother passed away several years ago my dad had her. He passed a way last July and we are not able to give her the attentions she needs. She wants to be held all the time and is very...
  35. T

    Rehoming my beloved Green-cheek, need help

    Hi all, this is my first post to the parrot forums, but I'm reaching out because I am in need of help in finding my beloved bird a new home, and timeline is short. He/she (never sexed, doesn't matter to me) is a Green-cheeked conure, 13 years old, about to be 14 in April, and has been my...
  36. V

    Sun Conure needs a loving new home

    Hi, I live near the Schaumburg area in Illinois and I need to find a new loving home for my super sweet and cuddly Sun Conure, Mochi. I say he's a male, but I am not positive. An irresponsible breeder sold him to me at 5 weeks old. He will be 4 in July. He has been hand fed and raised by...
  37. P

    Parrot in Texas wanted

    Hi, I'm looking for a African Grey, Eclectus, Amazon or Quaker parrot. Prefer to rehome an older parrot. Must be located in Texas but not in the Houston area. Would be willing to drive to any other area to pickup. Please make initial contact here. Thanks Pam
  38. D

    Shipping Birds?

    I have 14 parakeets, 9 cockatiels, 8 conures, and 2 ringnecks all up for re homing. I live in California but I've found someone in Arkansas that wants to take them all off my hands. I have no experience shipping birds. I don't know what service is good to use and I don't know what the birds will...
  39. C

    Two Caiques Looking for a New Home

    We are looking to rehome our two caiques located in NYC. One male one is female ,about 3.5 years of age. They are in great health and extremely intelligent and entertaining. They get along great and share the same cage. Unfortunately, we don't have the time and attention for them that they need...
  40. W

    It breaks my heart but I don't think I can take care of them anymore

    Hello, I never thought I would be doing this, but I think I need to rehome at least one of my birds. I just don't know what to do. To say that animals are my passion is an love of animals- birds in particular- is part of my soul. I wanted birds since I was a child, and got my...
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