
  1. V

    Head Trauma, excessive thirst and throwing up water

    Hi, I'm new to this forum, just made an account because we're desperate and I don't know who and where to ask anymore. Last week my quaker, Apollo, had a house incident which resulted in head trauma. X-rays showed nothing broken, he has no respiratory issues and no motor issues. We brought him...
  2. Quetki


    My bird was just chilling on my chest, hanging about and picking at my face when he started to grab my lip and i couldn't see the best, but it looked like he was trying to regurgitate. Should I keep him away from my face?
  3. SamBeben

    Regurgitation before maturity

    I have a 1 year old Moustached Parakeet. She has been regurgitating for my husband and I frequently. She hasn't reached sexual maturity so I'm concerned that it's something unusual? She has been doing it for a few weeks. She's never actually brought anything up but I don't want to form that...
  4. H

    Open to Suggestions - Budgie Regurgitation Problem

    Hello everyone, I have just joined the forum. I have a yellow male budgie. In normal life, I have been feeding him primarily with "VERSELLE LAGA Prestige Budgie" seeds including oats, safflower, millet. Apart from these seeds, each day (only once a day) we are giving a very small...
  5. Z

    How to calm a male’s hormones

    Hello everyone, My boy lovebird has a hanging perch toy that he regurgitates on and grinds on. I took it away, but now he is trying to do it with a pillow, a new toy, maybe even me? He also makes this “click” sound and walks around in circles or back and forth when he likes a new object, and...
  6. Ezekiell


    Can anyone shed some light on why my baby is attempting to regurgitate on me? Maui is only 10months old and has been home for slightly over a week now. I've read that you don’t want to encourage birds to regurgitate on you so every time he has bobbed his head and started trying to regurgitate...
  7. L

    Advice for Unusual Self-Destructive Macaw

    I own a verified male blue and gold macaw named Jessy. I adopted him from a non-profit zoo in south Texas where he has lived since 2013. I worked at that zoo for 2 years from mid 2016 to early 2019. He bonded to me while I was working there and I ended up adopting him before moving to Oklahoma...
  8. Y

    Parakeet regurgitating at nothing?

    Hi, sorry if this posted twice, my phone freaked on me. For some information, I recently got my White-winged Parakeet (also called a Canary winged Parakeet) back in April of 2018 and is now a little over a year old. I’m assuming he’s male but we haven’t got him tested as he’s very scared of...
  9. PenClem

    One bird is possessive of the other...

    I have two DNA-sexed Peach-faced Lovebird sisters who are now three years old. One often regurgitates for the other. In fact, Clementine will beg for it as if she were a baby where she gently flaps her wings, bends down and forward, and opens her mouth for Penelope to feed her. This behavior has...
  10. N

    I think my conure threw up? Help!!!

    My conure started sneezing repeatedly but I saw no discharge around her nose and appearance wise she seemed fine (I don’t know her gender but I call her a she). There are some dried fruit in her food bowl which I saw her eat then a few minutes later I saw her bob her head back and forth and...
  11. T

    Lovebird - frequent regurgitation

    Hello, I'm concerned about my male lovebird, Harry (will be 1 year in March) as he's been regurgitating very very frequently lately. It started about a month ago and I wasn't concerned at first because he started doing it as he "humped" his cuddle hut so I assumed it was just...
  12. Sunnybirb

    Sunny Stories

    Sunny tries to feed me 24/7. If I walk by, regurg. If I look at her, regurg. If I'm standing in the hallway and she can see me through the open door on the other end of the house, regurg! When she's sitting on the bed while I draw or watch tv, that's when it get's serious. Her favorite thing...
  13. D

    Illiger's Macaw

    Hi guys, so this is my first post and I love to hear from you guys! So about 2 months ago, I rescued a male Illiger's Macaw (Goozoo) who is 8 years old. I know just a little about the bird and am being patient with training the bird slowly. So he comes from a home where he was exposed to 3...
  14. N

    5YO Regurgitation

    Hello! My GCC (not sexed, but we think she's F), regurgitated twice: once last night and once this morning. I panicked because she hasn't done this since she was a baby. I did take her to the vet. Normal weight, normal gram stain. Normal behavior. The vet said to take this seriously, that it...
  15. RissaLynn

    I want some opinions on the 'head bob'

    I took my caique,Ziki,to a vet just to make sure all is well,plus I thought his beak was too long(I was wrong,he is perfect,according to the vet.Yay!).When discussing him I did bring it up just to be sure it was alright that he does it,and she said it is positive but to avoid it since it is...
  16. L

    Gravel or Cuttlebone??

    Just curious, I have a dusky conure named Java :green2: and he's still a baby 3 years old. The pet store I got him from told me to give him bird gravel so I've been sprinkling it on the bottom of the cage. I moved and started going to another bird store and they told me he doesn't need that...
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