
  1. ericalvincent

    I need some advice on African Greys

    Hello all! I am looking at getting a Congo African Grey and am wanting some tips and information on them, even experiences from owners who have them, literally anything anyone can give me. I’m not ready for one quite yet, probably not even within the next few years as I do have a cat and am...
  2. C

    Starting miniature painting, need advice.

    So I'm thinking of going into painting minis. An old, artistic spark I once had in my younger years got re-ignited thanks to the youtube rabbit hole. However, I've lived with birds for a lot longer then that spark has existed and I'd like to go in prepared for a number of reasons. I've done some...
  3. Tapew0rrm

    New bird advice?

    Hello!!!! So, I've had birds in the past, but they weren't tame/ lived in an aviary and I didn't really interact with them very much. The aviary was my parents when I was a child, and when I had my last birds, I was very depressed and didn't take the best of care of them admittedly, and ended up...
  4. UnknownParrotPoster

    Wanting to get a cockatiel (Cockatiel Questions)

    Hows It going? I know like this may sound like I am asking a lot, but could someone basically give a brief overview on everything a cockatiel needs? Like specific foods, what kind of care it needs per day (how much attention, how often to change the water), etc, and what could be dangerous for...
  5. A

    Questions on Toxic fumes for the parrot

    Hi, I don’t have a parrot yet but am trying to make sure I know everything on how to raise one. The one problem that has scared me the most is poisoning. I heard you cannot use nonstick materials or bleach or ammonia. Does this mean that they can’t be used in a certain proximity to the parrot or...
  6. A

    Looking for General tips on raising a parrot (more specifically an Amazon parrot)

    Hi, I am a student, and my mom told me before I could get a parrot, I need to know how to raise one perfectly before she can consider it. I am looking to find out the general needs of a parrot. I recently got interested in owning a parrot and know they require a lot of work, but I find them so...
  7. Tenleigh


    I have a 4 month old cockatiel! I have a question because I always see this. My cockatiel loves to snuggle, he loves his head scratch and he loves kisses. But that’s only he wants. I see birds playing and whistling a lot, my bird doesn’t do that as much. Is it just because he is just a baby...
  8. X

    Orange winged amazon bites me whenever I change my clothes

    So I've got this orange winged amazon named jack he's a year and eight months old. I got him 2 months ago and he's gotten pretty used to me by now but I've noticed that he is attached to 2 pieces of shirts I own and whenever I change them he seems to lash out and bite me really hard and go as...
  9. S

    Painting (Not the Walls!)

    Hello all, I've been trying to find an answer to this for a while but all the posts I've found are all about wall painting. I'm an artsy person and for the last 2 years I've been confined to a singular rented out room with my 2 birds. An amazon and a conure. I'm really itching to get back into...
  10. P

    Is my cockatiel upset?

    Hello everyone. I'm still a relatively new cockatiel owner, I got my little Gigi only about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Normally she's really clingy and wants to be with someone all the time, whether it's me, my mom, my brother, etc... and normally she also always makes baby static when she's around me or...
  11. D

    Parakeet swollen foot

    Hey, I’m new to this forum! Yesterday my parakeet, Snowy who is 3 years old, flew into a window because she was panicking. I noticed when I was feeding her she was holding one leg awkwardly and the leg was limp. It wasn’t bleeding and didn’t look different but she was holding it weirdly. I...
  12. G

    Do birds care about you using the computer for things like Zoom calls?

    I am considering getting a pet bird, but I have heard that trying to talk on the phone can cause some issues. Is this the same with having a computer and being on a call with other people with a microphone and headphones? Does it being on speakers help? I would want to have them by me at my desk...
  13. P

    Greetings and Questions from a new Meyer's Owner

    Hi everyone! I brought home a new baby Meyer's parrot, Penumbra Pen, a.k.a. Pen Pen, the last week of April, and the two of us have taken to each other in the weeks since. I've done a decent amount of reading, both elsewhere and on these forums, but with a little time and experience under my...
  14. K

    Quaker’s and Parrots

    I’m in a bit of a pickle here. I’ll be attending college as a freshman next year in Pennsylvania, and I want to bring my Quaker with me; she is my everything. While Quaker’s aren’t illegal in Virginia (where I live currently) they are invasive species in PA and will be euthanized if discovered...
  15. I

    Have I messed up?

    So I've had my bird for a little over a month and a half and got a bit frustrated that she wasn't showing any signs of improvement when it came to her fear of hands. I was able to get her to eat millet from my hands, but only when held in a very specific manor, and if my hand moved at all, she...
  16. J

    Getting a cockatiel very soon, and i need guidance

    Hi! Im getting a cockatiel soon and i wanted to hear tips about caging, training, races and cages. Also i come home at these times: Monday: 4 pm Tuersday: 4 pm Wednesday: 2 pm Thursday: 1:30 pm Friday: 2:30 pm So will it need a mate or will i be able to be it's flock along with my family...
  17. DaisyChick62

    New Cockatiel Questions

    So about a week ago I got my very first cockatiel and basically my very first bird thats my own. My only previous experience is the 2 little budgies my boyfriends little sister owns. Anyways, we got what we believe is a her, from a local bird shop that hand feeds and raises them. My guess is...
  18. L

    Ringneck training tips

    Hello! It's been a short while since I've been on here. So I am hopefully getting my first hand reared baby ringneck next year. I have been constantly researching about everything to do with ringnecks! I met one in person the other day in a pet shop near where I live. I got really close to the...
  19. L

    Non toxic pan brands help

    Hello! I am trying to find a good and cheap brand of pans and pots to replace the non stick Teflon pans I already have. Any one in the UK got a link to non toxic pans please? I saw a company called 'green pans' that do non stick pans but its supposedly non toxic? Thoughts? Any help would be...
  20. L

    Soundproofing/sound absorption in a 2 story house

    Hello again! So I have a plan to put my IRN in a room upstairs with my bearded dragon. I spend a lot of time in that room so no need to worry about me not socialising with the parrot. The only reason it won't be in the main living space is because my boyfriend records music and wants to still...
  21. L

    Flock calls and attention calls?

    Hello, how can you tell the difference between a flock call and a call for attention? I read that you should call back to a flock call by saying 'I'm here' in a normal voice but you shouldn't respond to calls just for your attention. So if this is true, how can you tell the difference? Are there...
  22. L

    How often to feed sprouts?

    Hello, so I have been reading about sprouting seeds and how good they are for your bird especially during breeding season. I was just wondering how many should be fed in a normal week and how many should be fed when it is breeding season (I don't have my IRN yet just doing some research and I...
  23. L

    Controlling noise from an IRN

    Hello! So I have been reading into trying to keep the noise down with an Indian ringneck. I am getting one next year! I know they are loud birds when they want to be and that is fine by me, not so much by my boyfriend but I have looked into other parrots and the loudness is the only downfall to...
  24. L

    IRN training

    Hello again! Here to ask yet more questions before I get my bird next year haha. So I read that not every bird talks, but Indian ringnecks will more than likely talk if given the proper training and time and effort. Is this true? I really want my ringneck to talk (if it doesn't then I will still...
  25. L

    How much does an IRN cost to feed every month

    Hello! So I am still doing my research on IRNs. I should be getting one by March next year hopefully! I just want to know how much an IRN costs to feed every month? Not including vets fees I will have some savings for that and plan to insure the bird. I am looking to feed a predominately pellets...
  26. CrowCall25

    Several questions

    1. Pet-hating parents I have two parents that REALLY dislike noise and mess. I have two dogs, and although I really want a bird, they refuse to have more than two pets in the house. They also are opposed to birds thanks to a budgie I had when I was eight and really irresponsible. Any tips on...
  27. L

    Indian ringneck

    Hello! I am new to this forum and I am planning on getting an Indian ringneck within the next year or two (I would have one now but the bf won't let me yet lol) I already own a cat and a bearded dragon but I feel a bird would bring me so much joy (my other animals do obviously but there's...
  28. Jferrand526

    Is this safe?

    I recently bought a very tiny cat scratcher that has a hamock for $10 at a swap meet. It has not been used before and still has all the tags from the pet store it was bought at. I’m wondering if I can put it in my bird room and allow my birds to hop on it. I don’t have cats, so most likely if I...
  29. L


    Hi all! I have a GCC, Max. :gcc: He's probably about 3. He was.. neglected.. in his old place. He's terrified of fingers, doesn't step up when called, and has terrible separation anxiety over me (he has been smitten since I first met him.) My question is about his separation anxiety...
  30. F

    are firethorn berries safe for lovebirds?

    Hello guys! I was reading something about parrot food, and it mentioned firethorn berries (Pyracantha coccinea to be specific) being a good thing to give to your parrot. However I'm still not sure if they are safe for lovebirds because the text didn't mention them.:confused: Also if they aren't...
  31. awfulwarlock

    Lovebird health questions

    hello, new here got some questions about the health of my two lovebirds; any help would be appreciated my main concern today is with my male lovebird, Rio.. he seemed a little lethargic and fluffed up inside of his cone earlier today and the both of them are usually quite hypo lol i decided...
  32. B

    New bird owner, a few questions

    Hello! I've been wanting to purchase a conure for a while, and my family finally decided on a Sun conure. He/she is currently being weaned and should be ready next month (!!!). They are getting shipped from the breeders since they aren't local. I had a few questions, and I figured asking...
  33. K


    (Condensed, quick to the point version with my questions) Q: Bird gets very loud when im out of her sight. Wings are grown and will also fly to find me. No fans on or anything for this reason. Not sure what to do about the loud screeching. Any help? Q: Very easy to startle her. Sneezing, water...
  34. A

    New here! I have a few questions about parrotlets :)

    I'm interested in getting a parrotlet this Christmas as a gift from my boyfriend. I have two budgies, Bug and Gus, and Juno the ferret. I'm just wondering what experiences anyone who has owned a parrotlet has had with them and if I would realistically be able to give a new parrotlet the...
  35. W

    Wanting to get a Congo

    Hello! My first post on these forums and wanting to get a Congo. First, how much attention would they need? I have a job where I work 8 hours a day. Sometimes, I would work 12 hour shifts during the year. I would not want to get a Congo and not be able to be there for it. Second, any special...
  36. D

    Questions about baby conures

    I just adopted my first [green cheeked] conure yesterday! :green2: Its name is Guac (guacamole), and I already love him so much! I got lots of questions though, so if you know the answer to any of my questions, please help me out! :) 1. Guac seems to be grooming himself a lot... is that normal...
  37. A

    A few questions about my sennie...

    A few questions from a new parront.. I have a 2 year old Senegal named Maxwell and I'm new to owning birdys. I have a few questions... 1) Why does he keep wagging his tail feathers and fluffing up?! 2) When he's in his cage he refuses to sleep until I bring him out, then he will sleep on...
  38. J

    Cockatiel Questions

    Hey guys i am new and i have a question. My best friend got a cockatiel and after playing around with him a bit i have kinda been obsessed with him. So i am thinking about getting one of my own... but i have to parakeets. I have read that they are fine together and that Cockatiels will eat...
  39. C

    Feather degreaser

    Hello there! I've had several birds, but never cockatoos, and I just went with my mother-in-law to buy her first bird. Tiki is a stunning, wonderful, 13 year old Umbrella cockatoo. I wouldn't normally advocate for a large parrot as a first-time bird, but she's in her 50s and they took so well...
  40. Kay

    Birds by difficulty?

    Can someone give me a general idea of common pet birds by difficulty (from time, care, cost)? I know budgies or finches might be some on the easier and macaws some of the hardest but what about in between?
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