
  1. D

    Quaker Nutrition

    So, I know that a well rounded diet of pellets and fresh fruits/vegetables is most important for our feathered babies but my question is... Is there a particular ratio of these nutrients that Quakers are supposed to have on a daily basis? I know with Eclectus, the ratio is no less than 60%...
  2. M

    Companion for a Caique

    Hello everyone! I am looking into getting a Caique. I have much experience with birds due to the fact I work with birds for a living. One of the species I am just starting to work with though are Caique and I love these little guys. I have worked with them for about 2 months now. Anyways I have...
  3. M

    New Bird

    Hello everyone! I am new to the threads! I have a Quaker parrot that comes home with me from work on the weekends named Gus. I love birds and work with parrots. What kind of birds tend to get along with Quakers and does anyone have any stories to share? Thank you!:green2::green2:
  4. C

    Wing feathers

    :greenyellow: Hey! I've had my quaker parrot Sol since February. I've posted before about her scared nature, and although she's not any less people shy, she's a happy bird. Chirps a lot, plays with her toys, and eats well. I worried a lot the stress of people around would cause her to pluck but...
  5. C

    So scared it breaks my heart.

    I recently came to own a sweet quaker parrot, her name is Sol! I call her my little soul bird. She's a happy bird who loves her toys and cage, but is TERRIFIED of people. She's been this way since we got her from the pet store. She won't bite, but her little heart will race, she trembles, and...
  6. K

    20yo hen - food related seizures

    My littlest bird, Quacker, is a 20yo hen who I've had since she was 14 weeks of age. I don't feed a processed diet, they get fresh cooked daily. The base of the diet is mixed grained pastas (all the alternative gluten-free pastas with wheat based hidden veggie pastas as well), grains, fresh...
  7. M

    Choosing a bird, PLEASE HELP :(

    Hello all, This is my first time posting here so i hope i dont mess up :S I have owned many budgies in the past and have loved every one of them. However, now i would like to buy a bigger bird as i think i am ready. I have been looking at either a Quaker or an Indian ringneck. I would like to...
  8. Juno

    Questions about adding another bird to the family!

    Hello everyone! Just have some questions about adding a second birdie to the family :) So currently I have Juno (pearly conure) who is about a year old. She is very friendly, has flight and gets along with our budgies when theyre in the same room. I have hardly any problems with her. Now my...
  9. A

    Please help new scared Quaker

    I got a blue Quaker 3 days ago and I left it alone first day, second day if I approached cage it growls now it's growling even when I'm on other side of room, Last night I opened cage doors as the cage he came in is way to small so not only do I want him to come out to socialise outside the...
  10. Boyd75

    Popular quaker pellet diets

    Hey, what do you guys use for pellet diets with your quakers?
  11. Boyd75

    To mate, or not to mate?

    My Quaker, Roman, Is coming into sexual maturity I suppose. He's Humping huts and hands. Im curious about getting him a mate. He's very tame, to me lol He'll nip other people and laugh. My questions. . Would adding a mate to the equation jeopardize his relationship with me, introduce...
  12. B

    Sun Conure & Quaker parrot cage buddies?

    Hello! I am on the move for another feathered friend. I currently have a male sun conure rocky he is about 2 he is adorable & very well behaved I am considering getting a Quaker as a second bird. Q1 does anyone have these birds in the same cage? Q2 am I best off getting a male or female Quaker...
  13. P

    When will my Quaker start learning to talk??

    I bought a Quaker a few days ago, and I was told he was 2 years old, but now I'm told he's less than a year old. Whichever the case, mine is very tame and friendly. He'll fly to anyone's shoulders, he's used to being indoors (he won't even fly toward the windows), he loves being petted and...
  14. P

    My Quaker refuses to stay in its cages; should I just leave him in there?

    My Quaker only goes inside his big cage to eat or drink; when I try to leave him in there by closing the door on him, he constantly tries to open the door and makes this loud, annoying screeching sound while banging the cage walls. After about a few minutes, he flips over the water and food...
  15. P

    Is salmon good for quaker parrots?

    I gave mine a bit from my plate; it was well baked salmon
  16. P

    My Quaker is afraid of step-up...??

    Every time I try to get him to step-up, he either flies or runs away. Which is weird because when he perceives that I'm approaching him to pet him, he stays. He's not like the cliche of his species, he doesn't bite or even nip; he's not territorial - at least with me; when I try to grab him away...
  17. P

    Introducing Jack the Destroyer. Any tips?

    I'm told he's set on "Casper", but I'm gonna do everything in my power to rename him "Jack" with the given title of either "the Destroyer" or "the Dragon" - or I might go with "Hulk" or "Drogba" He's awesome. A bit loud but he can talk, he mimics well, and he's very funny - keeps making this...
  18. P

    Quaker is so loud. Is there any method of keeping him quiet during the day?

    When I leave the room, he won't stop screaming. When I'm with him, but I'm not giving him attention, he's screaming, but not as often (thank God). Is there anything i can do to quiet him down? I've tried music and the blanket over the cage thing, and it barely works.
  19. P

    Cockatiel vs Quaker parrot?

    I'm making a decision to pick up either a cockatiel or a quaker parrot; both are hand-fed/tame and both are male. They're both sold at a shockingly bargain price conveniently at the same time. Which bird should I purchase (as I can only own one pet at home)?? From my previous experience with...
  20. L

    feeding question

    Hello, a breeder recently sold me a 5 almost 6 week now old quaker baby, yes it is unweaned and yes i do realize this was a dumb dumb part on the breeder, but no worries i have experience. My question is... I am trying to slowly start weaning my baby after feeding it formula for a...