quaker monk parrot

  1. Maryalos

    Quaker wing in weird position

    Hello, my sister's Quaker (Jade) has had her wing in a weird position for a bit now and we're not sure why. It doesn't seem like it's causing her pain at all, and she's even flying normally so we don't know if it's normal or not. For context, the guy we got her from clipped her wings and when he...
  2. psitticine

    Quaker Mode

    Hi everybody! This is my first post :) I have a four month old Quaker named Rainy. I think s(he) is a female. She's a crossover breed, and the breeder told me they usually end up being female. I'm in the early stages of taming/training, and have never had a quaker before. I knew she would be a...
  3. M

    I need advice for my Quaker Parrot! Please Reply!

    Okay so I have a baby Quaker 3 months old (20 weeks old) and I've had him for maybe a little over a month now and I was wondering how long it takes them to get used to their owners? He's very skittish and doesn't let my hands by him, he won't step up unless I have a treat and it's a wood dowel...
  4. Liuana

    Quaker Biting Issue

    Hello, I have a 4 year old Quaker parrot and he bites everyone except for me. He constantly attacks my little sister and I don't know how to stop him. Sometimes he would be nice to her but most of the time he just bites her and the bites are quite severe. It's been an ongoing issue since the...
  5. Angelina.M.

    Gru the grren cheek conure has a new bff Odie the Quaker he is in loooove lol🥰❤

    Hello just wanted to share these adorable photos of Gru and his new bestfriend Odie🥰❤
  6. My Precious Babies

    My Precious Babies

    Pics of my 1 year old Quaker named Mehkhi (pronounced "Mickey") & my 12 year old Triton Cockatoo, Marco
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