
  1. S

    Bird safe space heaters?

    My bird's cage is in my room, which for some reason is the coldest room in the house. Even to the point where I complain. I know many of you may suggest to move her cage somewhere else, but we have a cat, and I don't agree with moving her cage out of the safety of my room. The cat has free reign...
  2. I

    PTFE/Teflon and Why it's bad

    I wanted to share this tidbit of information I acquired today at - funny enough - work of all places. The kind of work I do essentially requires me to know a lot about bad chemicals, where the bad chemicals tend to be, and how do we get the bad chemicals out. We mention different substances in...
  3. M

    Question about Popcorn Poppers

    Hello, I just received a MicroPop microwave popcorn popper as a gift. I have a cockatiel and am wondering if it is safe for her. It appears to just be a glass pot with a silicone or plastic lid (it says BPA free). I cannot find any information about it online! This is what it looks like...
  4. D


    Hello everyone, I am here to ask for your advice. I don't cook often but I am worried because I have been cooking with cookware that can damage my conures. So now I gave all my cookware away and Im looking for something safe. I have several questions: Is all stainless steel cookware safe (PFOA...
  5. Q

    Winter is coming - safe bird space heaters?

    Hi! I've done tons of research on this but all threads I could find were very old and seeing as things change rapidly in products I wanted to ask here. Is anyone using a heater they could find me on amazon that they've experienced as being teflon / PTFE free? Trying to be safe and warm! Any...
  6. V

    Wondering if my Brown Oven/Stove is safe

    Hi, I'm bringing home a baby boy eclectus in a few weeks and am in the process of replacing my cookware, bakeware, hair dryer, etc. I'm also wondering about my oven. I live in an apartment (so it came with it). It says "Brown" on it, and I think the manufacturer must be Brown Stoveworks. I...
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