
  1. Chris_1

    A Halt on Breeding

    Hey everyone. Researching for breeders and aviaries, it seems that there hasn’t been many Pionus parrots in the trade at the moment. Living in Texas, there is only the BW from JC Aviary and a BH & WC from ABC Birds. (If anyone is interested in one I would highly recommend from either of these...
  2. Chris_1

    Contemplating a companion

    Hi all. This is my first post on this forum. I had a budgie for almost 7 years before an acute illness took him back in June. Overcoming the mourning process, I have found a longing for another companion. My interest turns to an Ekkie or a Pionus. My background is that I work full-time, but...
  3. A

    Wing flipping/twitching Maximilian pionus, help!

    So I’ve had my lil guy for about 9 months now, and he’s the sweetest little bird. He’s a little over a year old, and he’s never had any sort of weird behaviour until now. This morning I noticed he was flipping his wings, and I immediately got worried and kept a closer eye on him. He hasn’t...
  4. SakiSMH

    Alfie the Pionus

    Hi yall! Alfie is a (currently) baby blue-headed pionus parrot! She's my baby and this is a thread for appreciating the mischief and chaos she causes in her life!
  5. SakiSMH

    Meet Alfie! (First post)

    Hi all! I'm Saki, it's nice to meet you all! I recently became the owner of a lovely blue-headed pi, my little baby, Alfie! She's about 4 1/2 months old, and she is just the sweetest little angel! I hope to become friends with you all!
  6. august-again_34762675510_o.jpg


    August's butt feathers as he hung around on his cage :)
  7. august_31521949578_o.jpg


    August, when he was still alive, hanging out on his cage :)
  8. lakymolnarluca

    Pionus screaming

    Hey guys! I got a 6 month old hand raised pionus, Kiko, about 2 weeks ago. He’s a really nice parrot, I already adore him, but he screams…a lot. It started after 2/3 days after bringing him home and has gotten worse ever since. He only screams when he’s out of his cage. Its a loud honking...
  9. T

    Custom Cages by Design Cage

    We are selling our custom built Cages by Design Parrot Cage. We had to find a new home for our Senegal and Pionus due to some health problems, so that is why we are selling it. I originally purchased it as a surprise for my wife and paid about $8000. I have all the original receipts still...
  10. P

    Pionus trouble

    I recently just got pionus parrot and there's a few questionable acts that he is doing that I would like to get clarified on. When I enter the house he flares up and his back tail as well. It's been a few days since I've had him and I don't know why he does it. He also weaves his head back and...
  11. F

    Maximilian Pionus for a companion pet?

    Hi everyone. Cockatiels, budgies and pionus are recommended for first-time bird owners with children. I have a little one (pre-schooler) and I’ve prepared a large setup for a Maximilian Pionus, ready to go ahead next week! Before getting the bird, I’d appreciate opinions on whether this...
  12. K

    Two PIONUS needing to sell/rehome

    I have a male and female White Capped Pionus, both with big cages, full toys and accessories that I need to find a new place for. It really is killing me to think about letting them go, but my husband has become unreasonable and it's making life pure hell for me as well as my birds. Male is 4...
  13. L

    Pionus as a first bird

    Hello! My name is Louise, and I’m thinking about getting a bird. I’ve never owned a bird before, but I have done many months of research and I’ve narrowed my choices down to three species: a ring neck, a cockatiel, or a Pionus. Of these three, the Pionus are definitely my favorites, but I want...
  14. T

    Recently Adopted - "Rookie" in Training

    Hello all! I recently adopted a gorgeous 6 year old, DNA-sexed male blue-headed pionus named Rookie. Though I am not new to the world of birds, having previously owned a cockatiel, budgie, and black-cheeked lovebird, Rookie will be my first "big" parrot as well as my first interaction with...
  15. P

    Help!! Cage for new Pionus

    I'm about to be a first time parrot owner, bringing home a baby White Capped Pionus in about 7 weeks. I've done a ton of research but I'm making myself go crazy looking at all the different cage options. I would love any type of advice on what size I should get, and where the best place to buy...
  16. P

    Blue Head - Tongue Growth

    Hi All! My Blue Head has developed what appears to be some form of a growth under his tongue. This is causing him what I believe, to eat less. His keel is protruding more than normal. The vet just weighed him at 260 grams. Blood test shows elevated white blood cell count and before the...
  17. H

    LF: Female Pionus

    Hello! I am looking to get a female pionus. I do not have a preference of Max, blue headed, dusky, etc. I just like the manner of this parrot breed. I would prefer a hand fed baby but if there is sweet older one available for adoption, I'm okay with that. I do have parrot experience. I've owned...
  18. S

    Female white capped Pionus sexual maturity

    Hi guys, for the past few weeks I have been building a relationship with my darling Suki. She is about 1 year old. I have read and tried finding new information on how female Pionus parrots become at sexual maturity . Now Suki still has a little ways to go before she reaches that point in her...
  19. S

    Suki, my first and new white capped Pionus

    I am thrilled to have my first pet parrot in my life. She is a white capped Pionus and her name is Suki. She is such a sweet heart, although she is only 1 year old, things could change but I hope not. Suki is like velcro. She follows me everywhere, always wants to be with me. I never...
  20. T

    the happening of the squeeky vacuume wheel

    So, my pi Eva is quite vocally talented. At only 4 months old she actually impresses me. Although, in the midst of teaching her not to screech when I leave the room, our wonderful old vacuume decided to bestow upon us a squeeky wheel.. now, the great part about this, is that this wheel actually...
  21. T

    Off on the wrong foot :/

    Hey guys, I got a new baby white capped Pi last Wednesday, just under a week ago. Things were great the first couple days. the baby wanted out and on me all the time, was playful and sweet, wanted head scratches and to play on the couch. Although I think I may have accidentally screwed up her...
  22. T

    Help me name my Pi! :)

    Hi everyone, I finally got my baby and boy is she a sweetie! I find out the results of the dna on tuesday so I need both boy and girl names. I do like anything that has to do with nature, outter space, meditation/charkas.. etc. Ive got Stella, Nova, Vega, and Pluto so far.Thanks guys :)
  23. Blue


    random pics of blue my bronzed winged pionus
  24. O

    which parrot is right for me? CAG, RB2, pionus, eclect

    Hi all: While we are not ready for a new flock member just yet, we are starting to think about our next parrot(s). I thought I would come here and ask advice. This will be a long post, so please bear with me. We have had some experience with birds, through my veterinary practice ( it was...
  25. E

    New Pi owner--behavior question

    Hi all, Got a quick question for all of you Pionus owners out there. I've had my 4 month old Maxi Pi, Olive, for two weeks now. She seems to be settling in nicely, but today she did something that I want to make sure I interpret correctly. She called me, and I went over to her cage to talk...
  26. E

    New here-have brand new Maxi Pionus (4 mo. old(

    Hi everyone, I'm so happy to be here with all of you and learn from some experienced parrot owners! I have had a 4 month old Maxi Pionus for one week now, so I am very new to this! Could anyone offer some advice--Olive, my Pi, seems to be adjusting well. She will take treats from my hand and...
  27. T

    I need some advice as to the perfect parrot for me.

    :yellow1::yellow1:Hi everyone, I'm new to parrotforums and have been researching parrots avidly since the loss of my 9 year old cockatiel Pirl 2 months ago. I am 19 years old, and planning to study zoology and animal behavior. My animals always come first, so my schedule is created around my...
  28. mysteryfoxes

    Looking for any insight/info for (future) Pionus. :)

    Hey all, I'm new to the forums, but I was told this was the best place to find people who know what they are talking about. I've recently fallen in love with the Dusky and Bronze-Winged Pionus and was looking for any good stories of them, behavior/personality, and pretty much anything else you...
  29. K

    New Member Looking for Bronze Wing Pionus Near Central MI

    Hello! I recently registered with the forum. I have had a very difficult time finding myself a hand fed, weaned BW Pionus baby. My lovebird died last fall and I am missing the companionship very much. I have done a few months of research and have come to the conclusion that a BW Pi is right...
  30. T

    Help! - Has anyone ever known a pionus to eat a penny?

    I was counting some pennies when my Maximillian Pionus flew over to investigate and snagged one. I took it away from him, but I think a penny is missing. It could have rolled underneath something, or I may be off on the count. I didn't see him take it again, and he has never eaten a non-food...
  31. J

    Green Cheek Conure or Senegal Parrot?

    This will be my first parrot, (I've owned smaller birds in the past) and I was wondering if anyone could help me out? It'll probably be a couple years before I get enough money to keep it, so at the moment I'm just researching. I'm 16 right now, done with high school, have a job, and not...
  32. K

    My dream just came true! I now have a baby Blue Headed Pionus.....

    Aloha to all the crazy bird people like me, I took home a baby Blue Headed Pionus 5 days ago. A bird of my dream for years and years. I have been completely fascinated and obsessed with birds, parrots especially, ever since I met my first bird, Coconut a peach faced lovebird 10 years ago. She...
  33. K

    Strange behavior my pionus baby does!

    I am a new Pi owner and I found this weird thing my baby does.... When he is on the couch with coverlet on to prevent him from pooping directly on it, he would tuck hisself in the corner and make him self flat and let me scratch his head, ok, that's just cute not weird. He then start to wheeze...
  34. Pi, White-capped Pionus

    Pi, White-capped Pionus

  35. thegreatkatsby

    Amazon and Pionus in Western Massachusetts!

    Hello! My name is Kat and I am proud to introduce you to Earlyn the blue-fronted amazon, and Pi the white-capped pionus!
  36. Claude Monet

    Claude Monet

    He is a Bronze Winged Pionus with a beak made for buttons!
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