pineapple green cheek

  1. M

    Is this perch safe?

    I'm hoping to give this perch to my conures but I noticed a green patch after I left the pet store.
  2. Happyandzaza

    Pineapple conure smaller eyes than all the other gcc ive seen!?

    Hello Dear parrot community, I have 2 pet birds and today i wanna have your opinion on my Pineapple conure l, ive notice that he has smaller eyes than usual conures I will show pics aswell I hope you notice, is there any health conditions where they develop this I dont know what to call it, My...
  3. lisazartsi

    Baby Piña!

    Hi friends :o My boyfriend and I adopted a 13 week old Pineapple GCC on Saturday and she is such a sweet girl. She's very well behaved - loves to eat her pellets, loves nutriberries, and is getting slowly accustomed to eating fruits and veggies. I'm wondering if I should book a checkup for her...
  4. Ava.rg

    Harness training + which harness???

    Hello everyone! I want to start harness training my 2 month old pineapple conure and I was wondering which harness I should get. I’ve heard the best is aviator but I’ve been told avianweb as well. Also any tips on how to do it or go about it? Right now when he goes places with me he rides in a...
  5. T

    Aggressive conure

    Good evening everyone! My name is Tez, i am 23 and live in San Diego, CA with my mom, sister, nephew and, until recently, my baby Pineapple Conure :green2: named Flash! Flash is 6-7 months old, i adopted him from a Family that did not want to care for him (the sex of the bird is still...
  6. T

    My new bird- tips please!

    Hi! I'm about to adopt a one year old pineapple green cheek Conure, which I'm super excited about! The bird was hand raised, but hasn't been handled in some time, so from what I've been told, it's a little nervous. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me in regards to getting my bird...
  7. HoracesDad

    Nanday or Pineapple, in Iowa

    Looking for one of two types of Conures.....:rainbow1::orange: Either a Nanday, or a Pineapple/Cinnamon. Needs to be male as the rest of the flock is also male... Besides Mom...:09: I live in Waterloo, Ia, well actually 5 miles out of Waterloo...
  8. K

    New GCC Mommy!

    I put a deposit on a baby pineapple GCC at a local pet store before he was even a month old and have visited him every day since! His name is Kiva and he is a brat, but he is my brat <3. I am so excited for him to be weaned soon so that I can play with my little feathered nugget all day long...
  9. S

    Hello! From Me and Shado

    Hello, My name is Nikki and last Saturday I welcomed a wonderful 1 year old Pineapple Green Cheek Conure into my home named Shado. I haven't had a DNA test done yet, so I don't know if Shado is a boy or girl, but I think he's a boy. At the pet store, Shado was very shy, but that is certainly...
  10. M

    hello from south texas

    Hiiii. My name is Vicky and i own a pineapple green cheek. Her name is Emma, but unfortunately, I have ended up calling her "Bird" 99% of the time. :l On other occasions, I call her other thigns (nothing bad), but yea. Emma is my first bird everrr and we are learning together. :) This is her.
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