pin feathers

  1. A

    Is this normal for my 10 week old conure?

    Attached are photos! So I got my conure last Thursday and he’s about 10 weeks old! One side of his face is completely pin feather free (bottom pic) but this side I am worried about. He does have a vet appointment next week but I’m just wondering if the side that still looks strange is pin...
  2. S

    Pin feather help?!

    My poor baby GCC is COVERED in pin feathers on her head, she is probably around 5-6 months old, I love her so much and I have tried helping the itchiness, but as soon as I get my big clumsy fingers in to try and twist some of the coating, it just feels like none of them are ready, none are...
  3. KingaRoo

    My bird's moult hasn't finished even after 2 months. (UPDATED!)

    (NOVEMBER, 2022) So, It's been about 2 months since I first got Kingsley. My pineapple green cheek conure. I got him on August 24th, 2022. When I got him he already had pin feathers sprouting from his head. And his wings were clipped before he was in the pet shop. Which is why I was excited that...
  4. EngineerGaming

    Quaker Parrot pin feathers

    My Quaker parrot has pin feathers and I was wondering if I should remove them or not. I believe I saw a video saying that you should, but I haven’t yet because I don’t want to hurt my bird. Should I remove them or should I wait until they come out themselves. What should I do? (His pin feathers...
  5. Altalex

    Is this a normal pin feather?

    Hello everyone! Cinnamon, my cockatiel, has been molting recently, i already noticed some pin feathers and feathers growing out. But recently, i noticed that everytime i go cuddle her and hug my hand around her back, she complains in disconfort (Something she never does since i know she loves to...
  6. A

    Budgie Started Biting

    My boyfriend and I take care of this little parakeet. At first, he was a little skittish but then warmed up to me and let me give him scratches. He then started to grow a bunch of pin feathers around his neck and head and wings. He didn't want to be touched for awhile, and I thought this was...
  7. Sunnybirb

    Molting and afraid of water. Also problems with pin feathers.

    Sunny is molting. It's been going on for a few weeks now. At first I was concerned she was plucking, but I've been collecting all of her feathers and they each have an opposite partner. She has pin feathers everywhere and a few blood feathers on her face. She loves hanging out on my arm and...
  8. E

    Insert Explosion

    It's that time of the year... Does anyone else feel like they are trying to defuse a tiny bomb when they are preening pin feathers? One wrong move and SNAP! I just realized that I barely breathe when Marz puts me to task at eliminating those pesky quills around his head and neck. No wonder I...
  9. Jayanne

    Pin feathers

    Hey everyone, my 1 1/2 year old Jenday conure, Alfie, has a lot of pin feathers around his neck right now. I've heard they get a lot of pin feathers when they molt, so I know it's normal. But I know they're bothering him because he's been very touchy, and cranky lately. He's had the pin feathers...
  10. MollyGreenCheeks

    Great explanation about Pin Feathers/molting process

    I was just surfing and came across this short but great explanation Pin Feather and the molt process. I often see many questions about this so I'll just pass this along. Enjoy! BTW, whether you like or not, it's still a good read. What Is A Pin Feather?
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