
  1. S

    Can someone help me please

    I’ve had my budgies 2 nights now I have 3 boys one of them keeps puffing up and it’s worrying me as the internet tells me that it could be a sign somethings wrong but I don’t know can someone help and also there only eating seeds at the moment and won’t eat any vegetables or fruits I give them...
  2. Fauna

    Budgies might be boys????

    I have two budgies that i got last summer. The pet store we got them from said they were both girls so i just assumed that they were. Recently my brother found out that his guinea pig is a girl after being told that she was a boy so thats been making me curious about my birds genders. The video...
  3. lost bird!

    lost bird!

    Lost bird! My sister found him and I’m trying to help find his owner!
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