panama amazon

  1. B

    Anybody own a Hahns Macaw...?

    Hey guys... So the decision has come down to either an Amazon (Panama Amazon).. Or a little Hahns. The lady I am communicating with has both babies available and is VERY reputable, so no worries there. Here's the thing, there is obviously a ton of information out there on the Hahns, and I swear...
  2. lolitas_dad

    Towel Fright!

    Hi All, Lolita has since day one been afraid to death of towels and any cloth for that matter. I have tried to very slowly get her used to the most simple touch of them but she runs away like I have an axe in my hand! She is 8 years old. How should I strategize in gaining her acceptance of...
  3. Lolita


    Lolita The Panama Amazon
  4. Lolita


    Lolita The Panama Amazon
  5. Lolita


    Lolita The Panama Amazon
  6. lolitas_dad

    Hi from OH!IO!

    Greetings all, A quick hello from Lolita and I. Lolita is a Panama Amazon and was hatched 6/26/07 in Utica, Ohio. She's been a healthy, happy girl for the past 8 years. Well except for a recent incident involving her toe nail. Not sure how it happened but she caught it on her cage and after a...
  7. jbail1026

    Panama Amazon questions...

    Hi All! I grew up with a YNA, but he is really my Dad's bird. They are best friends. I've always thought I would end up with a lilac crown when I finally got an amazon of my own, but I found a Panama Amazon who needs a home (friend of a friend's bird). I like that they are smaller, too, but I'm...