
  1. psitticine

    Painting House

    Hi friends, My fiancé and I bought a house and we're gearing up to move in within the next couple weeks. We closed a couple months ago and spent that time painting. My question: At what point can I feel at ease bringing my quaker inside with the fresh paint? The last coat in the house was...
  2. Rico_Tiel

    Check out some of what I have drawn, painted, and some coloring pages I have filled in!

    These are my favorite art pieces! (Excluding the Astronymphicus, it already got its own page) So, here is what I have done! 1. DYHA 2. Blue and Gold Macaw 3. Harlequin Macaw 4. Palawan Peacock Pheasant 5. Lutino Cockatiel 6. Cockatyvern (Cockatiel Wyvern) 7. Military Macaw 8. Blue Footed...
  3. C

    Starting miniature painting, need advice.

    So I'm thinking of going into painting minis. An old, artistic spark I once had in my younger years got re-ignited thanks to the youtube rabbit hole. However, I've lived with birds for a lot longer then that spark has existed and I'd like to go in prepared for a number of reasons. I've done some...
  4. B

    Paint and bird's help

    My dad is insistent on painting with this but i have no where to take my birds what do i do? And how unsafe is it
  5. B

    How long do i need to wait after painting with this to bring my bird into my house?

    I'm painting my house and need to know how long I wait until it's safe to bring my bird in the picture has the paint type
  6. S

    Painting (Not the Walls!)

    Hello all, I've been trying to find an answer to this for a while but all the posts I've found are all about wall painting. I'm an artsy person and for the last 2 years I've been confined to a singular rented out room with my 2 birds. An amazon and a conure. I'm really itching to get back into...
  7. L


    My little sister wants to paint her room and I'm worried about Hiccup, since our rooms are connected by a vent and Hiccup, obviously, is in my room. I'm worried about fumes and how long they'll be lingering, any advice?
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