
  1. Quetki


    I made some chop yesterday for my Conure. I got him 5 days ago and he's been really happy and enjoying his life so far, but he's not eating his chop. It has apples, spinach, pumpkin, sweet peppers, broccoli, sweet peas, pineapple, carrots, and stuff. The most he does is lick it and spit it out...
  2. L

    New Lovebird Mom!

    Hi everyone, I have just purchased two female baby lovebirds (they get along just fine as they were raised in the same home). My question is has anyone successfully been able to have their lovebirds bond with them when they have two lovebirds? I’ve heard they will bond with each other and be...
  3. J

    Help with dealing with anxiety

    This is my first post other than my intro so if I'm doing it wrong sorry. This question was what actually pushed me to make an account, I've only seen like one or two other threads discussing this topic so I wanted to see if I could open up the discussion a little more. As far as mental illness...
  4. I

    Pre-Senegal Worries!

    Hi, I'm hoping you kind lot will put a lot of my worries to rest. I'm looking to get a Senegal next year, as I have two holidays abroad coming up, I didn't think it would be the right time and I can get plenty of research in to make sure i know everything I need too. As mentioning the...
  5. M

    Need Advice

    I've loved birds all my life. I can't even begin to describe how much time and effort I've put into researching them. I always imagined owning one, and today I fell in love at a pet store. He's a red headed Conure and we immediately bonded. He crawled up my arm and perched on my shoulder before...
  6. kalinka

    First Time Parrot Owner

    Hello Everyone I bought my first parrot today (green cheek conure). My family used to have parakeets and I spent some time around them. I dont know much about birds, but I am trying to read a lot and hope that this forum will give some advice and help. I usually have a lot of questions, so...
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