old bird

  1. tassanil

    Hello - I need some advice for "Willy" the 59-Year-Old Yellow-Headed Amazon

    Hello everyone, Willy and I are new here. I just adopted him yesterday, and I believe he is a Yellow-Headed Amazon. At approximately 59 years old, Willy has had quite a journey. His former owners (who had him for 51 years) couldn't care for him after the husband passed away in 2017, and just...
  2. L

    Cage Aggressive Cockatiel

    This is my first post here and wanting to retrain an old cockatiel. Got her from my grandmother. From my knowledge she is about 26 years old and used to be hand trained but while she is on her cage door or inside she will try to warn and bite if you get too close. But the times ive gotten her...
  3. Derpology

    Unique situation

    Hello! I've found myself in a pickle. Im about to rent a friend's in-law apartment which currently is occupied by a bird. the bird is neglected and I want nothing more than to help him feel loved again. The family who has the bird views the bird as too sentimental to trust others (like a...
  4. B

    First time owner of a 40 year old Amazon!

    :greenyellow: Hi my name is Alicia, I’m a first time bird owner but have been a volunteer at an exotic bird rescue for about a year now. I originally wanted a macaw but have fallen in love with a big Yellow naped Amazon named Alec who was born in 1980. He was at the rescue for three years and...
  5. E

    Just me, my boys and apartment living

    Hi there! I thought its about time to introduce my family. I am surrounded by testosterone. My husband, a 4 year old and a 22 year old. All of which are demanding, get loud and are always making a mess. Our feathered family consists of a 22 year old ring neck dove.(You wouldnt know it by...
  6. Falconbiscuit

    New bird troubles?

    Lately, I have been thinking about getting another bird. A cockatoo, actually! I've done lots (I tell you lots) of research on this bird as a pet. It won't be for a while (around feb next year) but I was wondering what effect a new bird would have on my Sun Conure? She's bonded to me, and hasn't...
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