It's been 3.5 years now that we have been housing a kakariki who landed in our garden on a winter day. Clearly escaped somewhere and despite posting the information out there, nobody ever came calling for him. Never thought we would have a bird but we soon adapted and having gotten a small cage...
Hello bird people!
Ever since we got our GCC home, we've been noticing her being a bit clumsy on her feet. Upon a closer look, we've noticed that her primary digits, the shortest toe of her back toes on each of her feet, seem a bit off. They look a little too short, and the nails on these...
I own a Jenday Conure that I have had for about 5-6 months. Last night I thought he was acting strange, but thought maybe I was just exaggerating. He was on his perch where he sleeps and was trying to fall asleep, he was rocking back and forth and closed his eyes and was still for a few seconds...