not eating enough

  1. O

    Sun conure can’t use beak, been to vet

    I have a 6 year old sun conure who is my whole world. About a week ago, I woke up and noticed she wasn’t screaming. I took her out and she couldn’t open her beak. She was lethargic and couldn’t eat. Keeping one eye half closed. We rushed her to the ER vet in Boston and 3 days overnight and $1600...
  2. reeisconfused

    Help! Max won’t eat anything!

    Hello everyone! A little backstory; We rescued Max from a family who bought him on whim and could not handle him at all - he was kept in his cage 24/7 and the cage was the size OF him. They probably hit him as well because he hates hands + guys a lot. They fed him tomotoes ONLY. You can only...
  3. K

    conure constantly hiding over cupboard

    so lately my greencheek conure kiwi has grown his flight feathers back and I decided not to clip them, the cage is open and he is free to roam. He spends most of his time up ontop of a large cupboard in the dark where I can't see him, I suspect he only eats when I come home and finally decide...
  4. S

    Plz help me My jenday conure eating less

    its almost 15 days i am noticing that my female jenday conure has been eating less but she is active playful drinking water well so why she is eating less ?? is it because of cold weather??
  5. B

    Eckie not eating F&V

    I have an 11 week old Female Eclectus. She's been with us for 7 days now. I'm worried that she is not eating enough fruit and veggies, as well as water. I put fresh water and veggies out after every feeding (6 hourly). Morning feedings are a bit more difficult and time consuming,(I've had to...