
  1. P

    Hot plate?

    Can anyone vouch for a bird-safe hot plate that is just the plain, old-fashioned electric kind?
  2. R

    Cookware questions

    Hello everyone. :) I recently acquired a green cheek conure after not having any birds in my home for the last seven years, since losing my last Conure. It was not something I planned, but there was an instant connection and before I knew it, I was bringing my new friend home. I feel like I’m...
  3. happycat

    Burnt ceramic nonstick pan. Safe?

    I was boiling water for tea and I thought "wow this kettle is taking forever to boil!" so i went back into the kitchen and realized I turned the WRONG BURNER ON! :eek: All that time the flame was on an empty saucepan. This one to be precise...
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