noble macaw

  1. K

    Mini macaw cage size

    so we are moving in with roomates soon and my noble macaw cage is about 31.5x22.5x40 in. i dont know if i got the measurements right cause i dont know how to use a ruler lol but it looks like it would be for a medium sized bird. the bowls are larger and it has an opening for a breeder box. i...
  2. K

    Noble macaw update #2

    so last post i was working with a couple problems ive had with my baby noble and some are now pretty much corrected, while others... not so much! her fear of other people is getting better. she will let others approch her with out getting to nervous and will actually stay perched and not move...
  3. K

    cracked beak!

    hello all, so my mini macaw has some cracks on her beak. ill post a picture, but this isnt the first time this has happen before. it also cracked like this but closer to the back of her lower mandible on both sides and i took her to the groomer and he said it should be ok, but it happened again...
  4. K

    Noble macaw big update <3

    so its been a couple months now since we got echo ( we decided to change it last second lol) and well she is... JUST THE MUSHYEST BABY BIRB EVER!!! she reminds me of a little duck lol shes just so clumsy and she doesnt know where to put those big feet yet :09: , but she is getting better. as...
  5. K

    New baby girl noble macaw~

    Hello all , we have officially chosen a noble macaw to join our flock! she is not yet ready to come home yet but i wanted to ask a few questions that google couldn't answer. First i wanted to know whether female and males had different temperaments and what not, and secondly is there a better...
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