new parrot

  1. Padokratoras

    I need help choosing the species of the second parrot!

    I am currently owning a male peach-faced lovebird and we are really bonded and i decieded to get another parrot but i can't decide which one of the following species to choose: 1. Green Cheek Conure 2. Monk parrot 3. Indian Ringneck 4. Cockatiel I have done research on all of them but i want...
  2. Zilaxia

    New Parrot! Help.

    My dad bought a new cockatiel for me, a female Lutino, I named her Luna, she is very cute, but TERRIFIED of everyone. I know nothing about the man who had her, but im guessing he was a pretty bad owner since she doesn't even like being held. I want to know what to do to make her trust me and not...
  3. Kit

    Hello! Lorne the Green Cheek Conure

    In late December, I brought home my first parrot,a cinnamon Green Cheek Conure. He's supposed to be about a year old, and I got him as a rehome from a Craigslist ad. I don't know a ton about his life before I got him, which is a little sketchy but the vet says he's perfectly healthy. The story I...
  4. mkrosella

    Bella-The African Grey from Pakistan

    Dear members! most of you have been following my post on the Yellow Indian ring necks who passed away soon after i got them from a parrot shop that gave me already infected chicks. After that, we as a family really wanted a parrot as we were missing those babies alot. We were looking for an...
  5. D

    What Parrot Type?

    Hello Everyone, I have been considering buying a parrot but am having trouble choosing a lot of things. This is my first time buying a parrot and I want to know which one to choose from a Cockatiel, a Budgie and a Lovebird. I want something that easily becomes close to the owner. I have to go to...
  6. F

    5 Things to prepare before getting a parrot!

    These are the 5 things we think is important to consider before bringing a new feathered baby home. I know I've missed a few things, please feel free to comment and add! Definitely need to update the video later, but these are some of the things I felt were important after helping out some of...
  7. S

    found a parrot on the street! now what?

    Hello! I am a new member on the forum as a new parrot owner! Recently, while driving home, I almost hit the little guy that was exhuasted and afraid. I managed to catch him and bring him home! Next day I went staight to the vet so that he could check him! He gave me some info on his diet...
  8. H

    New Parrot Suggestions

    Hey There, We are looking to add to our avian family. We currently have a bonded pair of conures (black hat and green cheek) but would like to add another to the mix. We would like something that is a little more interactive, slightly bigger and with speech capabilities. We were looking at an...
  9. Ezekiell

    Considering Sun Conure addition to family

    Hi everyone. As the title suggests, I am considering getting a sun conure to add to the family primarily as my own personal pet (mum is a bit skittish around birds). I have been down at my local bird shop (I'm in Australia) quite a lot asking questions but I wanted to get some more insight...
  10. G

    Please help me identifying this Parrot

    I am new here & i need your guys help.. So i bought this beautiful parrot yesterday.. i do not know anything about parrots.. can you guys please tell me about his generation or stuff? how should i train & grow him & any useful info you guys could give.. Thanks :green1:
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