
  1. koyajo

    My new friend😆

    This is my new baby!! I’m looking for cute names for him/her. He/she is a super active little one! And about 1 year old. He has a deformed eye he was born with but he/she doesn’t let that stop them! Going to get him home and into his new home! He’s light blue and grey so if you have name ideas...
  2. 4 way borbs

    parakeet NAME VOTE

    Tomorrow I'm getting 2 new babies for my b-day! im planning to get a blue or white bird cause no offence to Andy or anything but i think they are a tiny bit pretter than greenys so here are the name ideas melody jewel cloud summer lapis butter amber cream opal fern irene echo -pepper
  3. Rico_Tiel

    Rate the budgie names I picked out!

    Green pied: Sweetpea, fern, bug, emerald, mistletoe, shrubby Blue pied: blizzard, frost, cryo, Denali, sleet, diamond Violet: Borealis, Violet, daisy, lupine, bluebell, indigo, hyacinth, orchid Lutino/ybdfs/ybdec: sweetpea, bumblebee, beebee, cleopatra (if female), dawn, amber...
  4. P

    Need Help With A Name!

    I recently had a heartbreak with my GCC & over the weekend (3 days ago) I came home to the surprise of a Sun Conure from my wonderful boyfriend.. He's absolutely gorgeous and a love bug but I am having some trouble naming him. My Green Cheek was named Phoenix and I keep just wanting to call...
  5. R

    What should I name my new birds?

    I have a little male turquoisine (the rainbow one) and a female kakariki (the yellow and green one with the red head). I am stuck between 2 sets of names. Turq - Merlin Kak - Zelda (Like Merlin from Sword in the Stone, and Legend of Zelda) Or Kak - Merry Turq - Pippin (Like from Lord of...
  6. R

    Miracle after Tiki's death

    A miracle happened today. Fate or coincidence? I think fate. So I found 1 single breeder of Kakarikis in Queens, NY. There are only a few in the United States and they are typically in California (where this breeder actually goes and gets them) and that is after they are imported from New...
  7. greenthii

    Names for male cockatiel? (Pearl)

    I'm getting a Pearl Cockatiel on Friday and he's multicolored. I'm having trouble looking for a name for him. I'm considering "Mango" one of the names I will be naming him but I'd like suggestions. (: Any names? I'm also getting a female grey cockatiel and she's going to be named Peaches.:grey:
  8. T

    Help me name my Pi! :)

    Hi everyone, I finally got my baby and boy is she a sweetie! I find out the results of the dna on tuesday so I need both boy and girl names. I do like anything that has to do with nature, outter space, meditation/charkas.. etc. Ive got Stella, Nova, Vega, and Pluto so far.Thanks guys :)
  9. xTRIGx

    yay, I'm getting a black capped conure!! now i have to think of a name :S

    my christmas present this year is a Black Capped Conure! i haven't got him yet, as he's not fully weaned with his breeder.. i can't wait.. but now comes the difficult task of picking a name :confused: i like the name Louie.. but my mum doesnt.. now i'm going through star trek character names...
  10. Tsukimaru

    What To Name This little Guy!!?

    hey Guys ^^ ..still havent decided what to name my CAG!! >.<" thinking (Smokey) or (Gray) ..but im up to other cool names, so i really need your awesome suggestions! :D bring em on! ;P
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