monk parakeet

  1. Padokratoras

    I need help choosing the species of the second parrot!

    I am currently owning a male peach-faced lovebird and we are really bonded and i decieded to get another parrot but i can't decide which one of the following species to choose: 1. Green Cheek Conure 2. Monk parrot 3. Indian Ringneck 4. Cockatiel I have done research on all of them but i want...
  2. Maryalos

    Quaker wing in weird position

    Hello, my sister's Quaker (Jade) has had her wing in a weird position for a bit now and we're not sure why. It doesn't seem like it's causing her pain at all, and she's even flying normally so we don't know if it's normal or not. For context, the guy we got her from clipped her wings and when he...
  3. N

    New 4 month old Quaker baby! All tips/tricks welcome!

    Hi everyone! New Quaker parent here :) I've had my little Nova for about 2 weeks now and I absolutely ADORE the bones off her. I have a few questions I'm hoping some of you can answer for me if that's okay. 1. Taming I've got budgies that I managed to tame myself and I'm guessing the...
  4. Hello From Smalls.

    Hello From Smalls.

    He is a Quaker Parrot I have had since he was 8 weeks old, and quite a character!
  5. Hello From Smalls.

    Hello From Smalls.

    Smalls is my Monk Parakeet, aka, Quaker Parrot that I got when he was 8 weeks old. He is quite a character, and such a great companion.
  6. Hello From Smalls.

    Hello From Smalls.

    Smalls is my Monk Parakeet, aka, Quaker Parrot that I got when he was 8 weeks old. He is quite a character, and such a great companion.
  7. Hello From Smalls.

    Hello From Smalls.

    Smalls is my Monk Parakeet, aka, Quaker Parrot that I got when he was 8 weeks old. He is quite a character, and such a great companion.
  8. C

    Weird Lorikeet Mouth Behavior?

    Hi everybody! I've had parrots since I was a little kid, but I've never had a rainbow lorikeet before. I've had my rainbow lorikeet for about a month now and am in love with her: she's such a cutie! She has a giant "house", gets nectar twice a day, has fresh water each day, gets Zupreem fruit...
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