
  1. B

    Help find ways to get my birdie to the vet! Please!

    Hey guys um this is my first time posting here, i hope i'm not messing anything up, and i don't really know much about how this works but i've been needing help getting my little one to the vet and i had no one help me in my life! So i need to figure it out! Maybe you can help? Vet is 4 hours...
  2. R

    Need help with my three cockatiels

    Hello everyone this is my first time posting in any sort of thread,just registered and signed up to ask for help as I can't sleep without worries(since this is my first time having cockatiels),English isn't my first English and I live in a third world country.I have three cockatiels named...
  3. R

    Heavy Metal Toxicity / Aftercare

    Hello, I just made an account here the other day to discuss my conure who got sick from eating toxic metal. She’s doing great today and the vet thinks she is okay to come home, but they are also prescribing her medicine injections for 2 weeks after we get her. I was wondering if anyone has...
  4. H

    Need advice as to what to do over bite

    So my lovebird was out flying around and landed on my Quaker’s cage and one of my quakers immediately bit him and latched on, he let go before it got to bad and cut my LB a bird. He’s overall ok and acting normal, and we cleaned up the cut immediately with salt water and we’re on our way to the...
  5. B

    Feather duster budgies and quality of life

    Hi all! I was buying a flight cage that I found on Facebook marketplace from a family that has a lot of budgies in a variety of cages and aviaries. When I was there, I noticed that their English budgies were separated into two cages. In the first cage was a male/female bonded pair, along with...
  6. K

    Lovebird heavy breathing?

    Hi, my lovebird was making noises when he was breathing (kind of sounded like a fart), and perching himself with his belly lower. He is able to eat and drink and perch, but because of covid-19 all my local vets aren't taking birds that aren't actively dying right then and there. After coming...
  7. SamBeben

    Bird hurt his foot, medicine?

    Hi all! My GCC hurt his foot somehow within the last day. Earlier this year he got his toe broken by a poorly trained groomer and I took him to the vet. They gave me Metacam and it said that it expired 7/31/19 and I don't know if I could get a refill for it. Is it a bad idea to give him the...
  8. KiwiDaConure97

    GCC climbing problems

    So this morning my GCC and my sister's GCC fought a little, they attempt to preen each other but sometimes hit the wrong spot and end up fighting for a couple seconds. My sister's GCC for some reason has this thing that whenever my GCC and her's fight her GCC goes for my GCC's feet. So this...
  9. G

    Amaon Won't stop Drinking

    I have a 15 year old Double Yellow Green Amazon that has been drinking and urinating way too much to be normal, she did this about a year ago for a week or so and stopped, well It's BACK!!, Anyone have any thoughts or simular behavior? Thanks Gary
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