
  1. Fauna

    Budgies Breeding?

    My dad surprised me with two budgies almost 2 years ago now. Over time I figured out that they’re a male and female. They’ve both been very affectionate towards each other and seem quite close from the very beginning. Edith, the male, has been giving Azalea, the female, lots of those budgie...
  2. ConureMummy

    Is it possible for Green-Cheeked Conures to lay fertilized eggs several months after mating?

    Roughly 11 weeks ago, my Male Conure passed away. Not long before his departure, I recall him mating with my female conure. Today, she has laid an egg. While I know laying unfertilized eggs isn't uncommon, is there a chance that these might be fertilized? I'm curious about the possibilities...
  3. OrrinocosMom

    Sudden Destructive Behavior - Ideas?

    Hi Friends, I have been away from the forum for a while simply because I have been very busy, but have a bit of a quandary I would love your thoughts on. About a week ago, Noco (my going-on 33 year old B&G Macaw) began doing an odd thing - he was spending a ton of time on the bottom of his cage...
  4. R


    Hello =) i know here are a lots of topic with this problem, but i want to know your experiences, thank you.. i have a pair of male Galah Lutino 2014 and female Galah natural 2017 .. i bought male about 2 years ago and dont have any information if he had some youngs.. the owner told me that his...
  5. H

    My 2 Quaker parrot siblings want to Mate, what do i do?

    Hi everyone, as many of you know i found a nest of 3 quaker parrots without parents being around when they were just a week old, now they are 3 months old and beautiful and loving as ever, i have asked on this forum before if i should have seperated them while young so that they would be able to...
  6. Ned444

    I need help from those with Conure experience

    I need help from those with experience. A bit of background. I have my female Conure “Kiwi” who is almost 5, have had here since she was a baby. We rescued our male “Buddy” at about a year old, we have had him a 1 1/2yrs. Kiwi and buddy hated each for the almost the 1st year than feel in love...
  7. M

    Quick question on mating...

    Hi! I am new to the site and have never posted on forum but am in need of an answer and hope to find it here. I have a budgie, sun conure and double yellowhead. My budgie has mated with the sun conure about 8x this morning. Is there any chance they were successful and will they (or can...
  8. G

    peach face roseicolli genetics and mating

    you see pictures of mom and dad. so far, they had 5 babies like dad (dark red face with yellow-green back) and two lutinos (red face and yellow back) but no babies like mom (peach face and blue-green back)? any possibilities there will eventually be some like mom?? Can sibblings become (non...
  9. H

    My Parrot tries to mate with my hand

    Hey. My name is Harris. I have a 4 years old male IRN. I've had him since he was 12 days old. So he has developed a good bond with me and my family. I know males reach maturity around 3 years.Well i didnt notice any behavior like this last year but now everytime I cuddle or even hold him he...
  10. Conures_r_cute

    My budgies mated... Help?

    So i have 2 budgies a male and female and they've been together for about 3 years. They've had a little enclosed hammock that I've seen the female use a lot but not the male and recently she's been picking at it and being really picky with any fluff in it. Last night my family witnessed them...
  11. K

    My male eclectus parrot has bonded with me

    Hello So I have a male eclectus... I'm just a bit confused because everything I have always read says that these birds don't bond with one person.. well my bird has with me and he now HATES my fiance..its so bad that he always has to be in a cage when my fiance is around or else he will fly at...
  12. H

    DNA sexing wrong?

    My 4 month old Pineapple GCC has been acting strange lately. She grabs my finger with her beak and puts either one or both of her feet on it, and fluffs up a bit and wags her tail. Does this mean she is trying to mate with me? The breeder DNA sex'd her female, but I'm not convinced she isnt a...
  13. K

    How Do I Keep my Sun Conures from Breeding?

    In abut a week or two I'm bringing home a new baby Sun Conure. I currently have a male Sun Conure so I was wondering if I bring home a female Sun Conure, how do I keep them from breeding? I'm only allowed to have one cage so I can't separate them and as soon as school starts again, I'll be busy...
  14. gavagai

    Where exactly are the erogenous zones?

    Something that my first avian vet told me was that the lower back and the sides under the wings are erogenous zones which I shouldn't touch. This was after asking him about it following an article I'd read that claimed the whole body below the neck is an erogenous zone. Since then, I've seen...
  15. P

    Help. Conure stepping on other bird.

    We just recently bought a new green cheek conure. Hes very friendly and gets along with my cinammon cockatiel they are both like 1 year old. And my concern is that my conure preens and regurgitated for my cockatiel but for some reason starts stepping on her head and neck. I don't know if he's...
  16. arlady


    I was given 2 gcc by a lady who didn't want them anymore. I didn't know what age or sex they were until today. Now I'm pretty sure which is which after watching their behavior just now. My question is now what do I do??
  17. M

    What is my male Alex doing?

    Hello, I have two Alexes. The male is 2 and a half years and the female is one year. Often, when the two are next to each other the male walks up and down and then walks right upto the female, bobs his head and puts his head under her beak while making a clicking noise. He will continously...
  18. Boyd75

    To mate, or not to mate?

    My Quaker, Roman, Is coming into sexual maturity I suppose. He's Humping huts and hands. Im curious about getting him a mate. He's very tame, to me lol He'll nip other people and laugh. My questions. . Would adding a mate to the equation jeopardize his relationship with me, introduce...
  19. S

    New parakeet troubles

    So, I recently got a green cheek conure, and now have also let out 4 parakeets from quarantine. My conure--Kikki--seems to be in love with a particular parakeet. Preening her, cuddling her... and is now attempting to stand on her which I believe is an attempt to mate with her. :rainbow1: :whiteblue:
  20. S

    Eclectus help :)

    Hi Guys, My name is sara and i am a bird lover! I recently adopted Joey a 4 year old boy eclectus. He is pretty friendly likes to be held. doesnt mind being hugged and touched. He sometimes growls if hes eating or too high on his perch (that whole flock leader thing) - i did lower the rope bcz...
  21. J

    Mating Question

    I have a breeding pair of green cheek conures...over the last week the female has laid 3 eggs and for the last 2 days has been spending the majority of her days sitting on her clutch, only occasionally leaving the nesting box. This morning she came out and she and the male proceeded to mate...
  22. D

    Mating Plucking...Help!

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but I need some help with my splendid parakeets. I have a pair of one and a half year old male and female splendid parakeets that I got about two months ago. When I first got them the male started pulling feathers off the female and she let him know in no...
  23. A

    My tiels are like Tom and Jerry, HELP!

    Hi! I need help, my cockatiels are not bonding. The male Paga is 2 years and the female is Lulu which is 14 months. We had Lulu before and decided to get her a friend. When we first got Paga we clipped his wings to make sure they were on the same level. The live together in the same cage and are...
  24. B

    Rosella's Mate Died, will she take to a new mate?

    My Rosella's mate died a few months ago and I am wanting to get her a new mate. Since they mate for life, will she take to a new mate? How do I go about doing this?
  25. B

    Need help0 on breeding!

    Hi im new to here :blue1:.. I need to now about Blue and Gold Macaw courtship rituals and breeding behaviours.. and anything inbetween! I would be most greateful if someone could help me!!! Beginner here...
  26. ZephyrTK

    Female Sun Conure

    Hello All! I just got the DNA results for Cecil back and was surprised to find out he is a girl. I'm surprised primarily because he has been strutting around, bobbing his head and flitting his wings. I assumed this was some sort of male display--I was obviously wrong!! Then there is the...
  27. L

    Does anyone else do this......

    When Archie is performing his mating dance for me (usually every morning) aside from the usual head bobbing and twisting, neck stretching, whistles and chirps he also crouches down, pushes his wings forward and slightly away from his body. He ends up looking as if he is hiding his head between...
  28. J

    Eclectus in heat

    I have a gorgeous female Solomon Island Eclectus named Oriana. I raised her from the time she was a grey ball of fuzz. She attended college, etc. with me and is very well socialized. She has even done pet therapy in nursing homes, etc. She is nearly 14. I suffered through her terrible twos...
  29. axim09

    English Budgie

    Hi my name is Arthur and I am new to this forum. I just thought I would share a picture of one of my English Budgies. What do you think.
  30. merlinsmom13

    Strut Dance?

    Merlin has been doing a new thing, he is getting on my hand or foot & doing what im calling a strut dance. His feathers are super fluffy, he struts back & forth and bobs his head & rubs his beak. I afraid this is some kind of mating ritual. He has been increasingly aggressive to my husband...
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