lovebird advice

  1. E

    what is his ages

    the breeder told me that he is 6-7 weeks old but i think je is younger his feathers are plucked how old do you think he is
  2. DarkSide

    Friendship problems

    Hi everybody, A month ago I bought a Lovebird in marketplace as did not have this species in zoo shop. But the disappointment was upon receiving, he's was bold on chest and scared of people a lot. My problem is that I do not know how to make him belive that I will not harm him and just want...
  3. L

    I'm concerned about my bird's health

    I got my lovebird exactly two weeks ago from a pet store. She is a year old (at least that's what the pet store employee told me). I'm very concerned for her because I believe that she had been fed a millet only diet for her whole life. She refuses to eat anything but millet, boiled eggs, and...
  4. creams0da

    Help! Lovebird pulling feathers

    Hi , I’m new to the forum! Thanks for all your reading and suggestions. Garlic is my one-and-a-half-year-old female love bird. One day at the end of September last year, she suddenly pulled out all the feathers on her neck and chest, and since then, she has insisted on pulling out the feathers...
  5. N

    4 week old lovebird don't cry for food

    I am handfeeding 4 week old lovebird don't cry for food. I am taking care of my baby for 4 days. He/she never chirps and never cry for food even when he is hungry. Ä°s it normal? He/she lets me pet him but never chirps.
  6. E

    My lovebird bites all of us and seems very aggressive around us but whenever it sees me approaching its cage it runs up to me so why does he bite

    Sorry for the long title but thats pretty much the sum up😭I have a lovebird(1yr old) and i got it from a friend who has multiple birds in march. For some context it used to be a super sweet and loving bird, always wanting to steal my glasses and run all over my body😂 It’s legs are handicapped...
  7. Sparklystars

    How old are lovebirds supposed to get? Theres so much conflicting information!

    Hi, I've had my lovebird Sherbet for 13 years now and I know she's old but I don't know roughly how long I have left with her. I know different types of lovebird have different lifespans, but I can't find anywhere how long Sherbet's type lives for. I've seen pages saying 10 years, 15, 20+. She's...
  8. MirtPlup

    When to remove eggs?

    Hi! My little lovebird Piplup decided that it was time to become a single mom and laid 4 eggs (last one on March 24th) She is starting to loose some interest in the eggs and leaves them for some time during the day now, but not prolonged periods of time. So I was wondering if I can already...
  9. M

    Drooping and Swollen Lovebird Wing

    Hi Everyone! My male lovebird Milo has had a droopy wing with a lump for about a month now. I did see a vet and he said he thinks it’s a fractured wing and prescribed Meloxicam and Enrofloxacin. After finishing the meds my bird still appears the same and I’d say his wing lump is even bigger...
  10. C

    Help! 1 person bird or hormonal?

    Hello! I need some help. I've had cockatiels since 2019 but in ~June 2022 a friend found a Lovebird on the street, lost, and with red suffusion. My friend doesn't want birds but I told him to bring him to me so I could take care of the bird at least until it was healthy, because I couldn't let...
  11. J

    Lovebird refuses to return to cage

    Hi, my tamed 5 months old lovebird, Bibi, is refusing to go back to his (not sure of gender) cage even with treats. Some background info: he is on Zupreem natural, gets about 3 to 4 hours of outside cage time, I rotate his toys and cage layout once a week. He used to willingly walk back into his...
  12. S

    My 3-4 Month-Old Rosy Faced Lovebird won't eat or drink

    Hi everyone! My dad found a Rose-faced lovebird yesterday and long story short we're keeping it. (It was definitely a pet that escaped, we asked around but no one had any clue so we brought it home). Took it to the Vet for a general check-up and they found nothing wrong with it. I told them...
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