love birds

  1. E


    Hello, I was very scared. I have a Brazilian lovebird and he ate a piece of roasted peanut. I don't know what to do. Can you please guide me? Does he get sick?
  2. C

    8 week old hand fed fischer lovebird male 1 week of having him. Taming questions

    Hi everyone new bird mom here this is long so I apologize, if you do not wish to hear this back story my question is at the bottom. Last week I purchased a hand fed male Fischers Lovebird and it's been interesting process He's gotten better with trusting me, but I guess this is where l'm...
  3. M

    Advices for new lovebird joining

    Hello everyone, I have a female lovebird. She was alone and i started to go work more, so I brought a friend to her. A new lovebird that I really suspect is a male. The first time she saw him she was really happy. Now the male is really following her watching, singing her but she is not...
  4. PepeLoro/Mango

    Sudden discoloration

    Hey yall, recently I've noticed that my love bird (mango) has a sudden change in the feathers on the tips of her wings (her elbows I think) and I'm worried if it's because of her diet, she still doenst eat fresh foods, and is very picky when eating, currently she's on an all seed diet. I've...
  5. Teeko


    Teeko is a froot loop
  6. L

    Lovebird mutation

    Co Hi! I recently inherited these lovely birds, and I was wondering if anyone knew what their colour mutation was? Thankyou
  7. majimi04

    Help me

    what can i do if my lovebirds have wound because of other lovebirds? the wound is in the head.
  8. PenClem

    Non-breeders on a breeder's diet?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post on this forum so please feel free to stop by and say "Hello!" I have two Lovebird sisters who are now 3 y/o. I've had them since they were weaned and even though they are housed together in their flight cage, they love to have my attention and affection. I...
  9. Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

    Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

  10. Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

    Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

  11. Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

    Linda Purple Black Mask Parrots

  12. Rio & Marios Babys

    Rio & Marios Babys

    Love Bird Babys
  13. Rio & Mario

    Rio & Mario

    Love Birds
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