
  1. I

    All my birds are dead… but one

    Yesterday at some time in the night a fox has gotten into my coop and absolutely massacred my poor babies, some only 2 years old others seniors. I believe my bossiest hen died protecting her family as she was just that type of girl. Im Devastated as I hand raised most of them for months and it...
  2. A

    Parrot Partner Grieving

    Hello y'all. I know I haven't been on in years, and I'm sorry that I come with such unfortunate news. Tonight Blaze, our Green Cheek, unexpectedly passed away. We're not exactly sure what happened, but we believe she punctured her gullet in a stroke of bad luck. We were with her to the end, and...
  3. B


  4. Roanoke

    Sweet, sweet Maggie

    It breaks my heart to be writing this, and I don't even know why I am as this is a bird forum. Our beloved family dog passed today. Technically, she passed last night but we didn't even know until this afternoon. She got out (as usual) when my mom accidentally left the deck gate open last night...
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