
  1. D

    The best Lorikeet diet

    I just took my bird (a black lory) to the vet and he said that an all nectar powder diet is actually not very healthy for them because of the high sugar and they don’t get as much exercise in captivity as they do in the wild. I’ve been feeding her Blessings Lory Nectar since I got her 4 years...
  2. M

    Help me with 6.5 week old lorikeet please!

    Hi everyone, I've had a rainbow lorikeet now since 28 December 2023 and we got it 4-5 weeks old. I've previously handreared a Quaker parrot (i know they're different to look after just showing i have had experience at this). However i'm just wanting some tips as i know lorries are completly...
  3. Pomegranate seeds

    Pomegranate seeds

    E.B loves fruit. The ones he doesn’t like so far are blue berries and cherries. He’s not very interest in vegetables either but gets them everyday anyways
  4. Fresh air

    Fresh air

    Snacking on some moringa flowers
  5. Snacks


    E.B snacking on some pansies
  6. Roses


    E.B enjoying a rose
  7. Zainabals


    Hey everyone, Our Lorikeet E.B is about 4 months old now fully weened and fully feathered. but he never bathes 😂 He has a big deep water dish and I never see him interested in the water not even to drink. (He eats plenty of nectar- fruit-vegetables) When do birds start to bathe? Should I...
  8. Silly


  9. Yummy Chop

    Yummy Chop

  10. Play time

    Play time

    E.B is super playful and sometimes get’s nippy when hi plays. He doesn’t bite too hard though
  11. First shower

    First shower

    E.B’s first shower
  12. Stretches


  13. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D

    E.B getting some sunshine and fresh air
  14. Sleepy scratches

    Sleepy scratches

  15. Zainabals

    Best way to train lorikeets

    Hello everyone, So I am a new owner of juvenile lorikeet named E.B. He has been with us for about 3-4 weeks now. He is super playful and we all adore him. My question is what is the best way to reward for good behaviors when training them? Because he all ready eats fruit throughout the day...
  16. gavagai

    Mixing lory species

    So with the possible exception of an iris lorikeet, I'm not thinking about getting any lories until after I have a house and can build outdoor housing which I can keep them in most of the year. That said, I'm wondering already whether different, not-closely-related lory species can be housed...