
  1. snubun

    Adopted a linnie! I have some questions and would also love tips!

    Hi guys! I recently adopted a linnie who I've named Limbo for how low she gets when napping or asking for scritches haha. She's been with us 5 days now! My bf and I drove out of state to adopt her from a kind Petsmart employee who took her in after someone abandoned her at the store. The man...
  2. magglett

    Linnie is confused?

    Hi everyone, I'm a first time bird owner and have had my linnie, Simon, for a month now. I'm at the point where I can put my hand in the cage and he isn't very scared of my anymore so I've started trying to feed him from my hand. My problem is: I put food in the palm of my hand and he'll...
  3. C

    New Member Here! Could I get some advice?

    My name's Chris, and I currently have one male budgie (Finn) and one male linnie (Neville). They live in separate cages. I have a Yellow-Sided GCC coming in about 2 months. My problem right now is that even though Neville and Finn do like each other, Finn is bullying Neville. Most times they...
  4. A

    What Kind of Bird Should I Get?

    I have narrowed it down to Linnie, Parrotlet, or Quaker Parrot and would like to hear peoples experiences with those and which would fit in best with my family. I only looked into birds I always already interested in, but if someone thinks of another bird that would fit in with my family better...
  5. M

    Linnie Color Help

    Hi everyone! I have a few questions about linnies. I have a green linnie and he has some yellow feathers on him does that mean he is split ino? I also have a female creamino. I want to breed her with a mauve. What would their offspring be? I heard that mauve color means its automatically split...
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