
  1. B


    Hi! I’m Finn, and I have five birds. Technically two are my mom’s and we “share” one, but I take care of them lol. Mochi, my White Fronted Amazon, is a moodswinger. He’s sweet sometimes, but only to me. He loves to bite toes and yell when he’s alone for a few seconds, but will do anything for a...
  2. AnnaOster

    Greetings!! :v)

    Hello everybody!! My name is Anna and I am an art student with a two-and-a-half-year-old Sun Conure named Oster. I think birds are super fascinating and I love learning about them! Oster is very sassy but also extremely sweet. He loves papaya! I hope to learn more about birds and learn how...
  3. Jferrand526

    Hello Everyone!!

    Hello my name is Jen! I am so glad to finally join this community! To tell you a little bit about myself, I own 4 birds. Tango the sun conure. Comet the pineappaple greencheek conure, Echo the yellow sided greencheek conure, and Arrow the cockatiel. All of my babies are between the ages of...
  4. 00Daydreamer00

    Hi there!

    I'm new to the bird world! I have adopted a Congo African Grey. Her name was Carmen originally, so we kept it. I love all sorts of animals, but like I said, I'm a beginner bird owner. I joined this website for a little guidance! I've done tons of research, especially before adoption. I can take...
  5. gavagai

    Greetings from the Lone Star State

    Hello. I recently got a green cheek and a quaker after being without birds for about five years. I'd had birds for eleven years before that. I gave up my last two (a Senegal and a lovebird), to a retired guy when I moved abroad in a move that I thought would be permanent, deciding that that...
  6. S

    Hello from Minnesota!

    Hi Everyone, I finally decided to join the parrot forum and take my bird care and ownership to the next level. I have a Jenday conure (Mojo) who is an approximately 8 year old rescue and Dexter (age unknown) a Quaker also a rescue. We also have a ring-necked dove (Cooey) I have been working...
  7. I

    Introductions ! Kermit the Green cheek

    A few days ago I was asking advice about bringing a GCC home and here he is ! As promised a formal introduction to the little guy. He was sold under the title of 'fancy GCC' which apparently is a general term for any sort of mutation from the normal type. He appears completely normal to me...
  8. Wolfee

    Hello ^_^

    Hello, my name is Chloe and I've just got my very first bird, a 7 month old male Peach Faced Lovebird called Rin ^_^ I posted a thread called 'Taming a lovebird' and If you have any advice you could give me, please read&reply to it! Here it is...
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