
  1. Rico_Tiel

    Why do people think the leash law doesn’t apply to them?

    Recently, I was at the park, and I was minding my business, listening to music on the swings. This woman, with her pit bull (of course it’s a pit bull) and two toddlers enter the park. I think nothing of it, and I don’t pay them any mind. She wouldn’t have an aggressive or poorly trained dog off...
  2. E

    Injured nostril

    Hello, Yesterday Tweetie and I, Tweetie being my parrot, were hanging by his cage when something must've scared which prompted him to fly away but he ended up hitting himself against the cage and although he is acting very normally and nothing has changed about this behaviour, I noticed he had...
  3. K

    Foot problem

    Nowadays my yellow side conure is Limping and prefering to use one leg what do you think is the problem. Sometimes he use them both. I think he got hurt idk I'm not sure. Maybe on of his fingers BTW. The leg that I think it got hurt is warmer than the other one. Thanks for ur help guys.
  4. P

    Budgie upward curled toe nail

    Hi, this is my cute budgie whose feet and nails look like this , what could be the reason and solution for it?I had an online consultation and the vet didn’t even look once at my bird but just listened to me and suggest some vitamins which is for dogs and said if this doesn’t help nothing will...
  5. F

    My parrot toe got squished

    My green cheek conure toe got squished by chair casters wheel, What should i do, in my current time the vets are not available now(closed)
  6. Ninjina93

    Is his beak ok?

    Hi all! Brand new here for some advice. Last week I found an injured wild Quaker parrot in my village, where there is a large colony (I live in Spain). Sadly he must have been attacked by a cat and after a trip to the vet it was established he has a fracture in the wing which would result in...
  7. Skittles16

    Weird random biting phase

    A while ago my parrot Skittles was injured by getting her head caught in the door and the skin on her head came off down to the bone. After making some calls I treated her accordingly and It healed fully after a month. But now she has this weird biting thing where she'll bite someone if they...
  8. 4sillyTilly

    GCC napping allot since 1st vet visit, normal?

    Hi guys! I'm a new conure owner and I've only had Tilly for 3 months. She is 10 months old & was in a home with a couple who were scared of her before me. I'm in love with her and she's very goofy and wonderful. I've looked for a thread with this question but I haven't been able to find anything...
  9. S

    HELP cockatiel consistently freaking out

    This is my first time using this website so sorry if anything is wrong. My cockatiel, for nearly all her life, has thrown these random fits of freaking out, flailing her wings, bouncing around the cage, etc. I?ve read about night frights but I?m truly concerned that something else might be...
  10. P

    Baby Parrots bite each other

    This is really serious and I need your help. Here is a little background: I have 2 2-month-old ringneck parrots. Meenu and meethu. We got them a huge cage with 2 perches and toys and moved them downstairs( they spent most of their time upstairs in my room but since it is getting hot we brought...
  11. saganismyhero

    Conure with strange beak injury

    ***Let me preface, this is not an emergency. The injury is incredibly superficial, clotted almost immediately, and parrot is running around acting like nothing happened.*** Rescued this parrot a few weeks ago. This GCC was surrendered twice in 5 years. The last owner took care of him well and...
  12. L

    Wing Injury Tips/Help?

    I recently adopted a supposedly 4-month old lovebird, my first lovebird. The previous owner did not make me aware that he has an injury to what looks like his outermost primary feathers. :smile032: Looks like it was an attempted clipping as his feathers are quite short in comparison to the...
  13. A

    Budgie’s throat muscle was split open by cats nail

    So my budgie was injured by my cat, there was a lot of bleeding but he turned out fine, so he lost around two drops of blood and the choices are two options, we can put the bird under anesthesia and then stitch him up but the problem there is that there isnt enough skin to stitch it up, or the...
  14. J

    Sprained wing

    Hey everyone, Looking for some insights. 3 weeks ago, my baby, Kiara, sprained her wing. I took her to the vet straight away. She had x rays done to confirm it’s a sprain. She’s on anti-inflammatories and doing well. Eating and drinking as usual. Personality as bright as ever. She still can’t...
  15. K

    Green Cheek Foot

    Hello, I am writing because my green cheek seems to have injured her foot. She is only 2/12 months old, and currently weighs 63g. My wife says the bird was on the top of the cage as she was opening it ( it's a top open cage, that has a perch that braces the doors open.) and as she bent down...
  16. dregarciatat2

    Bird fight resulted in injury [emoji174]

    Two of my parrots got into a fight this morning.... and my scarlet damaged one of my miligolds eyes... it looks pretty bad and I can’t tell if the damage is going to be permanent. In many years I have never seen this happen, should I wait a few days to see if the swelling will go down and the...
  17. K4rest

    Severe Head Trauma - what would you do?

    I apologize up front because this may be long. My 6 year old green cheek had a freak accident. He was taken to the vet (with an avian specialist on hand) and has been there for 6 days. From what we've been told, xrays show no breaks, no spinal compression, airsac is fine. Bird is concussed...
  18. B

    Injury Assistance

    My budgie is a bit clumsy and flies around all the time but a couple minutes ago, it flew into the cage door and fell. One of its wing feathers has come out and there's bleeding. I don't know what to do in this situation, please any advice. The budgie isn't alone, it has its partner in the...
  19. Violet_Diva

    WARNING TO ALL PARROT OWNERS - Now On Way To Emergency Vet

    If you have a medium or large parrot... Small and spring loaded quicklinks THROW THEM ALL AWAY Bella managed to unscrew one and got it lodged in the soft part under her beak. She was trapped and screaming, with it working further in with every scream until it tore through into her mouth...
  20. Violet_Diva

    Advice please - feeding injured baby blackbird

    I have acquired from a neighbour (what I believe to be) a young blackbird. It has broken feet :-( But is still mobile. I've converted a tub into a makeshift brooder by lining 2/3 with thick fleece vet bedding and putting a heat mat under half of 1/2 of the fleeced part so the bird can...
  21. S

    I'm scared that my bird will die...

    My green cheek conure, Shado, is only 2 years old, and today she was hanging out on top of my door lik she usually does. I didn't see her there though, and I went to close my door and I didn't see what happened, but she panicked and flew across the room onto the floor. She was breathing heavy...
  22. C

    brain injury?

    Hi, i have 2 b&g macaws. My male is a bull, strong and handsome. We fight like cat and dog oddly, but my wife and kids get along fine. Well unfortinately last nighy during our "fights" for routing cage cleaning when i quickly swept my hand to avoid the big bite he fell off his cage, he usualy...
  23. bettietheripper

    Help! Eye hematoma?

    Hello everyone, Pipa tends to get too excited when she's allowed out of her cage, so she trips and tramples over herself, which sometimes means she lands on her beak. She's never had any injury or any bleeding. I came home from being out 3-4 hours, and just noticed she has what looks like a...
  24. S

    Injured wing?

    My budgie will sometimes let his left wing droop down beside him, he is not stretching it, he just lets it sit there and he'll drag it along for a bit when walking, but he'll tuck it back in if someone comes near. Also after flying, that wing will shake a bit, and he'll hold it in an awkward...
  25. saka_sandora

    Cut on side Nasal

    I just got a new GCC and he and my old one got into a fight resulting in a deep cut on his nose down to the beak. I literally just got back from the vet with him the day before. He's eating fine and bouncing around like its nothing, and it stopped bleeding after I washed it in cold water. He's...
  26. V

    Beak Injury - Help please

    Hey All, I woke up this morning and noticed my little guy has a beak injury. I have already checked his cage to see if there was anything that could have caused it I think while playing he just got a little too rambunctious. I have attached a picture and circled in red where it looks like he...
  27. J

    HELP! Trapped Conures foot in the door!!

    Hello, I'm new here so not sure of where to post but I seriously need help with this situation. I trapped my Maroon Bellied Conures foot in the door and it seems he has lost some skin on one side of one of his toes. There is some blood but it hasn't increased at all. How do I proceed?? It's...
  28. G


    I have been nursing an injured female Indian Ring-neck since the past 6 months. This bird was apparently attacked by a kite. When I found the bird it had an injury on its head and the right wing appeared to be damaged. The avian vet prescribed some medicines and was of the opinion that the...
  29. N

    Canary - Injured or maybe sick - Eye

    This is not a parrot question, but I thought some of you could probably help anyways. My mom recently got a large aviary and put all of her finches and small birds into it together, including two male canaries. She knew the males might not work together but sometimes that can work with one...
  30. T

    Caring for a new bird while injured?

    Hi everyone! I didn't think this would be the subject of my first post but unfortunately it is. I've been speaking with a breeder in OK for a couple of weeks now in regards to a Crimson Bellied Conure baby she has available. I was getting ready to put a deposit down on the baby after the 1st...
  31. Stacey_Erbay

    unusual feather plucking - Can u help?

    I have an issues that I just cant quiet figure out... Hoping some of you might know. I have a new Plum Head Parakeet and he is just the CUTEST thing ever lived! He was born April 1st 2010, and I have had him about 6 weeks now. WHen I bought him he had been in a fight with some cockatiles and...
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