indian ring neck

  1. S

    Help with IRN behavior

    Hello, iā€™m new here and since my city doesnā€™t have any good vets i need help with this behavior in my indian ringneck, unknown gender but most likely a male due to his mating dance, he is around 9 months and hasnā€™t properly had a first molt, (a few pin feathers is all iā€™ve seen) Anyway lately...
  2. S

    Mutation and How to tame an IRN T.T

    So.... I got a ringneck from a pet store about a month ago. The store was going out of business... He was the only bird that was available other than budgies(originally I was planning to get senegal parrot but he was sold already). I was told that IRN is a he, less than a year old, handfed and...
  3. Anaria

    HELP! My male IRN losing his tail :(

    My male IRN Tiko has lost the majority of his tail feathers over the last few days :( and I have no idea whyā€¦. Heā€™s roughly 9 months old and this has happened out of nowhere. I have another female IRN and her tail is fine. Is this normal moulting?? Should I be taking him to the vet? Any advice...
  4. A

    Help New to rising a Baby IRN

    Hello I am trying to get some help with people that have more experience with these types of birds. I have a 5-7 week old Indian Ringneck. I got it about 2 weeks ago. It was growing really nicely and was climbing his cage, which then we upgraded him to a bigger cage, so he could have more...
  5. M

    My new irp is suddenly scared and wants to escape

    hello! So my story began when I wanted to buy my mom a bird using my first job salary! She always dreamt of owning a bird and taking care of it so I figured I'd get one for our house. I went to get maybe a budgie, but ended up falling in love with the most kindhearted and polite IRP! The owner...
  6. Nikkki

    Please help. Indian Ringneck "attacking" us.

    Hi fellow bird lovers, I have a beautiful grey Indian Ringneck (Alfonso) who turned 1 on November 21st. We're quite certain he's a male as I've seen him. doing what looks like a mating dance with some of his toys but he hasn't developed his ring yet. We brought home a beautiful 4 month old...
  7. mybluebirb

    How many pellets do I give?

    Hello! Anyone else have an indian ringneck who eats Harrisonā€™s adult lifetime coarse pellets? If so how many pellets do you give them daily? Anyone else who has these pellets please share how many you give your parrot and what breed they are! Thank you! ^-^
  8. A

    New Parrot Mom here

    I just purchased a 2 month old ringneck that the owner said was tamed. She clicked right away with my husband, but me on the other hand, she hates. I cannot even hold her or try to open her cage without attacking. Just now she wanted to sit on my shoulder and I thought she was being sweet, then...
  9. mybluebirb

    Whatā€™s your IRNā€™s weight?

    Hii! My IRNā€™s average weight is about 127g and I think sheā€™s around 8 years old (we donā€™t know for sure) however sheā€™s put on a few grams recently šŸ«£ Her diet consists of Harrisonā€™s pellets and fruit/veggies with the occasional almond/peanut as a treat! Drop your IRNā€™s average weight and age...
  10. mybluebirb

    Weight gain and hard chest??

    Hello! My indian ringneck parrot layed 2 (infertile) eggs early last month, it was her first time and it was soo stressful for me! šŸ˜­ Ever since then, Iā€™ve been weighing her regularly to notice any changes in her weight. Iā€™ve found that when she wakes up sheā€™s 121g, and by the end of the day...
  11. BlazeyKitty

    MY IRN likes to bite my ears, how to stop this behavior?

    As the tile of the post says, my IRN likes to bite ears and earrings and its really painful :cry: how can I make this behavior stop or be less frequent?
  12. indianringnecks

    Need help from expert IRN owners

    Hey so i bought a male 3 year old indian ringneck parrot 2 weeks and a half ago, and hes been oddly quiet and he seems to have seperation anxiety or depression i am not sure what i can do about it but i am confident something is wrong with him and I know he needs some sort of treatment but i...
  13. maribo

    Take him with me or no

    we are taking a road trip on Oct 13-17, but With My birds bacterial infection, is it best to take him? he is already stressed and sick, and it can result in him being more stressed when we are driving; itā€™s an 11-hour drive. He is taking antibiotics. I have no one that can look after him. My...
  14. maribo


    Hello, I noticed bird poop stuck on his but area. It had some poop stuck on his feathers. This the first time that it has happened. I cleaned it off with warm water and a cloth. He is sleeping right now, he doesnā€™t seem to be active. He is pooping, he pooped on my hand and on the floor. I did...
  15. Z

    Cold Feet

    Hey, I have a 13 year old male Indian ring neck and he just came with me to college after moving states. We went from the Westcoast to the Midwest, so itā€™s a pretty drastic climate change. Not only that he went from being an inside and outside bird to an only inside bird. Him and my other bird a...
  16. maribo

    Donā€™t know what to do

    I currently have a four-month Indian ringneck, and it's been sick for a while now. We've had him for a month now. It has high white blood cells, and the doctor said he has chronic inflammation and will need more antibiotics. The breeder from where I got it from had a warranty to take it back...
  17. P

    What color is he?

    I adopted this male recently and his previous owners said his color is called ā€œplacidā€ and that they think he is an albino. Iā€™m suspicious though, because he does have a slight ring. In certain lighting he also has a blue tint to his feathers, but in general he just looks white to me. So Iā€™m...
  18. A

    Indian ringnecks babies feet turning purple

    Hi there, I would appreciate any advice on this situation, Iā€™m not sure if I havenā€™t noticed till now or itā€™s a sudden on set. But two of my babies have now purple feet. Pics attached. They are around 1 1/2 to 2 weeks old. Is this something I should be concerned about or is it just pigmentation?
  19. L

    My Indian Ringnecks are very quiet.

    I got 2 Indian Ringnecks from a family member recently (1 month and a half) and since i got them, they have been abnormally quiet. I know this might sound weird coming from someone on this site but im really not a bird person, they belong to my sister, so im generally too scared to play with...
  20. S

    My baby IRN is closing its one eye

    Hey everyone! So I have two baby IRN about 35 days old and Sona (the elder one he's exactly about 38 days old) and he has been closing one of his eyes for a while but it wasn't a lot and even now there is no discharge, no red-eye nothing it's just closing its eyes. Nonetheless, I was concerned...
  21. S

    My baby IRN is sleeping ALOT

    Hey! My two IRN's are about a month old now and they're developing feathers. I got them when they were 12 and 14 days old and during that time all they did was eat, poop, and sleep which was understandable. But now the thing that's concerning me is even after being a month old they're still...
  22. U

    Help with Pellets

    Hi everyone. New member here. Hope everyone is doing well. I wanted some help with selecting pellets for my Indian ringneck. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a lot of highly rated pellets like Harrisons here, and they cost a lot to get them imported. But I do have access to certain...
  23. M

    IRN cage upgrade!

    So I've had my ringneck for around 4 days now and is pretty skittish and freaks out when I go too close to his cage. The current cage has bowls that I have to stick my hand into the cage to change and doing this causing my IRN to go crazy. So I've decided to upgrade to one that has dedicated...
  24. Littleredbeak

    What do you feed your Indian Ring Neck.

    I recently purchased an Indian Ringneck and have been doing a ton research since. I am currently feeding him TOPā€™s parrot pellets for hook bills and Harrison fine pellets as a staple. He also gets organic bird seed sprouts and organic Avian herbs. He also gets organic fruits , veggies and hard...
  25. R

    Rescue indian ring neck wont stop screaming help!

    I adopted a 6 year old male indian ring neck :blue2: named pluto who has had a rough life so far. His first home was a parrot hoarding situation where he was likely also abused, when he was 1 my sister in law bought him and since then he has been in her spare room with a quaker. In those 5 years...
  26. S

    Female Ringneck is laying eggs at the moment. Needing Advice Please

    Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum, and hoping to find some fellow animal lovers to help me out. My husband surprised me with a pair of juvenile Indian Ring Necks just over 2 years ago. He was told that they "had not been socialized in awhile" and brought them home knowing I can tame...
  27. SamBeben

    New IRN, possibly

    Hi all! My fiance and I are going to visit a rescue and two birds in particular have stuck out to me: an IRN and a special needs cockatiel. We already have a GCC and an African Grey. I've never owned a bird like an IRN so does anyone have any advice on meeting this bird or owning this bird...
  28. P

    Semi aggressive ringneck

    I've had my Indian ringneck male named Forest for a few years now but he is still quite nippy and he bites quite often. His previous home wasn't very good so I understand that it may be because of that but my other rescue birds came around and mostly stopped biting and nipping after a while but...
  29. reeisconfused

    Living with a Wild caught Bird

    (sorry for the long post in advance) Weā€™re back in the Max hole of problems. Backstory for those who donā€™t know Max - We found Max few months ago. He was kept in a small cage (like a travel one) which was the size of him. The person who had Max had bought him from a guy who sold wild...
  30. reeisconfused

    Help! Max wonā€™t eat anything!

    Hello everyone! A little backstory; We rescued Max from a family who bought him on whim and could not handle him at all - he was kept in his cage 24/7 and the cage was the size OF him. They probably hit him as well because he hates hands + guys a lot. They fed him tomotoes ONLY. You can only...
  31. I

    Getting an Indian Ringneck

    Hi guys. Im going to buy an indian ringneck soon and on top of all the research, I'd like more info by indian ringneck owners. Just stuff like how to care for them, what to feed them etc. I love reading long things so a long answer is great! I also would like a suggestion for the cage! I'll...
  32. reeisconfused

    How to destress my upset parrot?

    Hello Guys. Iā€™m back with another question. Weā€™ve had Max (an Indian Ringneck) for two weeks now and heā€™s settling in very well. Heā€™s a very active boy and he loves being out of his cage. We havenā€™t clipped his wings and so, he flies around the house as he pleases. Still very scared of hands...
  33. H

    Indian Ringneck Trouble!

    Hi! I've had my Montu for about 8/9 months now, making Montu about a year and a half now. I love her to pieces, but I'm very sure she doesn't like me very much. She flies from me, bites, and screams whenever I get too close. Anytime I come close she pulls away. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
  34. M

    First Parrot

    Hi everyone, NOTE: If you vote in the poll, please explain your vote! (Message or comment is fine) So for about a year now, I've been stricken with a love for parrots. It started with Cockatiels, and has, more recently, spread to Conures, Caiques and Indian Ringnecks. But before I get to the...
  35. Jferrand526

    Some help please?

    Okay so I have had many years of handfeeding experience but this time Iā€™m getting a bit worried. I have a baby indian ringneck that Iā€™m currently handfeeding. The breeder didnā€™t tell me her age and now ignores my phone calls and texts, Iā€™ve tried countless times to get into contact with her. My...
  36. B

    Letting go

    Hello All! I'd like to start by wishing everyone a very happy new year and being so grateful to this website for helping me for the past year. Unfortunately, for now, I have created this account solely for some advice regarding my Indian Ringneck which is quite urgent. I'd like to start by...
  37. P

    4 month old Indian Ringneck female needs to be adopted!

    I have a 4 month old Indian Ringneck female that needs to be adopted. She is very sweet and lets your rub all over her. She likes to play and loves to eat all-natural popcorn. I need to have her adopted because my male Indian Ringneck is becoming aggressive whenever he sees her or hears her; He...
  38. eliholtman

    Flock diversity

    What types of different species of birds do well towhee I'm not talking same cages but just being out of their cages? Do parakeets parrotlets and love birds do well together? Are Indian ringnecks okay to have with other birds Thanks in advance
  39. D

    Hello I am Divyansh and I have come here mainly for my new ringneck.Plz help me !!!

    I am a proud owner of 2 budgies , a ringneck and several finches. Now I am here basically for my ringneck My neighbor bought an indian ringneck baby and as they were unable to take care of it So they have handed him over to me as I am a parent of 2 budgies and several finches. I have hand raised...
  40. H

    IRN training problems.

    Hi. So i got 2 IRN about 2 months ago. In my country its rare to find them trained so i got a younger pair so it would be easy to train them early on. I asked the shopkeeper for the tips and he said that they wont be scared after a month and you can train them to hand feed etc after that. Now...
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