indian redneck

  1. Z

    Housing 2 baby ringneck parrots

    I'm reaching out for advice and guidance. Three weeks ago, I brought home my first Indian Ringneck, Zazu, who was just a chick at the time. I've raised him with love and care, and our bond is incredibly strong. However, without doing proper research, I impulsively bought a second Ringneck...
  2. U

    Indian ringneck with discoloured head feathers

    Got this Indian ringneck a few months ago and only today he’s had this discolouration on his forehead. Do I need to see a doctor?
  3. H

    Help needed Indian Ringneck Parrot not eating

    Hello beautiful members, i hope you and your precious floofs are doing great. I recently ( almost 1.5 month ago) rescued an Indian Ringneck (Teemo) from a parrot mill where he was being kept in a very cramped cage with many other birds. The shopkeeper gave him to me for free saying he didnt have...
  4. M

    Indian ring neck or African ring neck?

    Indian ring neck or African ring neck? I got Kiko when he was almost 1 month old and his beak was kind of bright. He’s 4 months old now. Can anyone please help me out. Ps: I have an Indian ring neck named peeko he’s an adult (I got him as an adult 1 year ago) and he checks out every details...
  5. B

    Aggressive Female?

    So I have two Ringnecks, a male and female who had been in the same cage when i got them, one that was much smaller than the one they have now. And after 2 days or so i've noticed that the female has become much more territorial. They are still being tamed so I was thinking she might just be a...
  6. Gokha

    Please help identify the species of my ringneck.

    Hello, I own a ringneck that is around 8 weeks old, started flying recently and on my way to wean it. I got her/him when the baby was around 3-4 weeks old and i thought it was an IRN. But now, looking at my bird and other IRNs, i see differences in beak color (it’s not red), size of feet and...
  7. U

    New Forum Member with an Indian Ringneck on the way!

    :blue2: Hello all! I've been looking around for a good forum with a strong community and I'm happy I found this one! My beautiful and hilarious little parakeet, Strat, (short for the Stratacaster guitar, since he loved rock music) passed away a few months ago, after 7 years of fun and...
  8. V

    Indian Redneck behavior confusion

    I have a non pet parrot he makes a sound and does something with its eyes I have a video of it if anyone can give me his/her email I can send the video. Thanks
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