
  1. S

    Sick Budgie, Would Like Advice

    Hello everyone, I wasn't expecting to make another post, but here I am! Just like before, I've recently acquired a new budgie through an acquaintance and have now had her for about a month now. I've suspected that my new budgie, Tori (approximately 1year-1year & 6 months), may have something...
  2. unlikelynick

    Just lost the last of my two lovebirds, need to vent/get opinions

    Good afternoon, After years of checking this forum, I'm finally posting, and I apologize that it is going to be a long one. I had two lovebirds for 13 years, they were my whole heart and I am devastated at how things ended. The first one, a mule lovebird, passed in November from what...
  3. L

    Puffed up, Closing eyes, One leg up, Shivering.

    Two alexandrines, both have been rehomed. Their previous owner fed them a bad diet and clipped their feathers. I'm trying to get them to eat pellets but it isn't succeeding. They're both very friendly and are adjusting to the new home (been 2 weeks). This one has been shivering whenever 'she?'...
  4. Birdmum

    My IRN has done 2 sessions of nebezling and still has nostril discharge and is coughing

    So i notice a week a before Christmas my IRN was coughing and had nostril discharge it was maybe a few times a day he would cough tho I took him to see his avian vet and they recommend 10 days neblizling twice a day with gentamicin after the 10 days he was okay for a week or so then began...
  5. I

    My parrot is sick and I don't know what to do

    Hello everyone, I have a 12 year old quaker called Pepe, I love him a lot, so I feel incredibly scared because he's been acting strange. Ever since a few weeks ago he will stop eating sometimes, refuse food or water and regurgitate what he does eat. Yesterday he was really 'out of it' I don't...
  6. maribo

    Take him with me or no

    we are taking a road trip on Oct 13-17, but With My birds bacterial infection, is it best to take him? he is already stressed and sick, and it can result in him being more stressed when we are driving; it’s an 11-hour drive. He is taking antibiotics. I have no one that can look after him. My...
  7. Tiel

    URGENT help needed

    Dear Parrot community, I'm currently caught up in a terrible and desperate situation: My regular avian vet (lives in Switzerland) has been infected with Covid19, therefore his entire praxis is currently completely unavailable. The next vet that is not even an avian vet, but rather someone that's...
  8. CarmenTheGrey

    I need your help!

    I joined this forum when I first got my grey Carmen. She’s a rescue and I was inexperienced with taming and befriending a large parrot. This community gave me nothing but understanding, love, and help! She is now my companion for life and I can’t imagine life without her. So, I ask for your help...
  9. pickygrackle

    Hey birdies

    Howdy folks of the forum. I just registered and i have a question about my budgie. She is a rescue, i've had her for 8 years, her estimated age is 12. I keep taking her to the vet. She's thrown up twice this month. And no, not regurgitation. I'm talking white sticky liquid. I'm afraid its...
  10. M

    Is my parakeet going to be okay? Please answer

    My parakeet began throwing up clear liquid this afternoon, is lethargic, and not behaving normally. I took her to the vet, they did a physical on her and said everything seemed normal. They said they could do x-rays and other diagnosis things, but they said the stress could potentially kill her...
  11. K

    Nanday has watery eyes, weakness, lethargy and feels cold.

    I'm visiting my uncle and his Nanday is clearly ill. I'm bringing him to the vet first thing in the morning. Three days ago he had his foot caught at the bottom of his cage to a towel that had been covering the cage. Nobody heard him screaming until he had been stuck for 2-3 hours because the...
  12. N

    Need help with my two green cheeks!

    I've had my two gcc's for around two years now. One is definitely female as she has laid and egg and the sex of the other is unknown. However, both eggs were infertile(I torched them to check). I got them together from someone who could no longer take care of them and they have stayed in the...
  13. M

    Please Help! Out of options ..

    Please help!!! My parrot, Buddy, has been battling various medical issues for over a year now. The vets still don't know how to get whatever he's got under control. I have expended way beyond my budget in vet visits, tests, medicine, supplements, etc and have no more money left. I am hoping...
  14. S

    LoveBird Illness Help

    Dear Members, Can anyone help me, my male lovebird quite often turns head like it is looking to his shoulders or something is bothering it. Recently we traveled and it was in a cage. I don't know what has happened to it. Can anyone help if any medicine can help? I have googled it and...
  15. S

    Love Bird Illness

    Dear Members, Can anyone help me, my male lovebird quite often turns head like it is looking to his shoulders or something is bothering it. Recently we traveled and it was in a cage. I dont know what has happened to it. Can anyone help if any medicine can help?
  16. K

    Javi may be extremely dehydrated--please help if you can!

    On Friday, I noticed that my sun conure, Javi, didn’t want to come out of his happy hut and was unusually quiet. Until the end of the day, I chalked it up to wanting to have a mental health day (We have an infant and a toddler). Then I noticed that his poops were half the size of normal–more...
  17. F

    Undigested pellets[user]=140824898&filters[recent]=1&filters[publicOnly]=1&sort=1&o=2[/IMG] Is this an undigested pellet? So i noticed it this morning however the last couple of days she has eeaten veg and...
  18. sammmy

    Budgie health concern! HELP!

    Hi there, I just got a call from my brothers work to come in and check out their 4 year old parakeet for what they thought may be a hurt leg. I work with animals for a living and am currently in school for veterinary technician. I know I am not a vet, but it is Sunday and there is no vets open...
  19. christine

    Health Concern: Lovebird Rocking Back & Forth with Open Mouth?

    Hey guys, I just picked up my birds from a boarding facility after a weekend trip. They screen the boarding facility for all major bird diseases and its a really high quality place. Since being brought home, my female lovebird has been sleep/chirping on the heated perching rod. I went to...
  20. ann

    4 in one day

    completely out of the blue, 4 of my finches died. they just dropped dead. Regis, Kelly, Re (named after the music note, his partner is "Do"pronounced "doe"), and Bumble. Bumble was my last Lady Gouldian finch, the others were Society finches. Re's partner, Do, is barely hanging on. She seems to...
  21. becky11192

    my BF amazon soaks himself when we vacuum?!

    Monty acts really strange when we vacuum around his cage. He makes lots of his usual noises like singing but then he starts dunking his head in his water bowl. He does not do this at any other time. He conpletely drenches his head and I don't know why! It doesn't usually seem to do him harm...
  22. M

    Potential illness?

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, so if I do this wrong I apologize. I need some advice concerning my green cheek/black cap hybrid, Cookie. As of a few days ago, the urine in her droppings changed color. The fecal matter is still green (sometimes brownish), and the urates are still...
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