
  1. M

    Breeding Green Cheek Conure Mutations – Need Advice!

    Hey everyone! I have a Turquoise, Suncheek, Opaline, Lutino, Pineapple, and Dilute Green Cheek Conure. I’m looking to mix different mutations together and can be flexible with the genders of each. If I breed them, could I get any new mutations? Or is there a way to work toward a specific one by...
  2. N

    Are Patagonian Conure x Blue-headed Pionus Hybrids Possible?

    Are Patagonian Conure x Blue-headed Pionus Hybrids Possible, also are Patagonian Conure x Hyacinth Macaw Hybrids Possible?
  3. Novathekeet23

    Looking for pictures and information regarding hybrids and color mutations!

    Bird genetics are fascinating to me, and i'm currently making myself a little reference of different avian hybrids and color variations/mutations. If anyone has any information or websites that have information, i'd be very grateful!
  4. N

    Are there any breeders that will breed parrot Hybrids?

    Are there any breeders that will breed parrot Hybrids, like an Indian ringneck parrot × Australian King parrot × Eastern rosella Hybrid?
  5. Nikoson

    Is there a difference if the father of a hybrid is a blue and gold or green wing

    I’m thinking of getting a harlequin macaw but I read that the father contributes more to looks and personality, is this true?
  6. Violet_Diva

    Hybrid Parrots - Wonderful Or Wrong ?

    I was on YouTube when a suggested video popped up relating to hybrid parrots. Hybrid Parrots - YouTube I found the colours of the Camelot Macaw to be sublime and incredibly beautiful. I'm now interested in the controversy surrounding parrot hybrids - So thought I'd ask you fine experienced...
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