
  1. Anubis

    Toe Injury Update 2

    So it’s been a little over two weeks since Kiwi’s toe was bitten and she’s continued to improve. There is still some swelling (no redness) and she still favors that foot, but I don’t think she is any active pain, just discomfort. She took a shower with me tonight and that softened up the...
  2. Anubis

    Toe Injury Update

    So, to recap. Last Thursday, my sister’s jendaya, Loki, bit my sun conure’s, Kiwi, toe pretty bad. I managed to put some Super Clot gel on it which helped numb, disinfectant, and stop the bleeding. She’s seems to be fine now, the changes in her behavior being tucking her foot up to keep weight...
  3. Frostella

    How do you know when to bring your bird to the vet?

    I have brought my bird to a vet for a general wellness check a few weeks ago and figured out that she didn't really know birds well. I won't go back there. A few hours away is a vet that says they treat exotics and birds specifically so that looks more promising. Mostly I'm wondering how do you...
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