hormonal behavior

  1. H

    Cage aggressive/hormonal macaw

    First video I’ll attach below is the parrots behavior on cage and inside etc. and second will be how she behaved outside of the cage while at the vet. This is the first parrot that I’ve foster who has had this severe level of cage aggression/hormonal issue. She’s a current foster I’m debating...
  2. Flapjack

    Is this hormonal behavior?

    Hi! It’s been a while, life has been busy, but could anyone tell me if this is hormonal behavior for a female conure? She likes to rub her head on me and will make that little noise. Sometimes she also rubs her head on absolutely nothing (like she just making the motion at the air) but also...
  3. Meg&pip

    Should we try the implant again?

    Around 3-4 years ago I had gotten my hormonal, plucky senegal, Pippy, the hormone implant. She had just reached sexual maturity, which she seemed a bit early for (she is 9 in a month, she was around 5 when implanted). At the time, it was explained to us as a medication for ferrets, but recently...
  4. budgie choir

    - we have reached the end of the rope-

    There is no other way to say than coming right out and saying it..... my female bird who has a bond with male bird so is not lonely at all....(she is also in a flock)....let me repeat happy and not lonely......though she is surrounded by young males who dont know what to do yet...still arriving...
  5. R

    25 yo male Congo African Grey and needing help with his frequent reguritation and hand humping on me.

    I recently brought an adorable and SUPER sweet 25-year-old CAG home. He is the sweetest boy, but whenever he sees me, he starts to regurgitate. Even if I'm just coming into the room for even a second, he will just start doing this! Then, when I let him out, he just wants to get on my and start...
  6. P

    Fixing Hormonal Production - When Does it Stop?

    Hi all, Bobby my African grey has settled in very well into his new life with me. It’s been about two months, he transitioned from his seed diet onto a chop and pellet diet super easily within the first week of having him. With 12 hours day and night cycle, no hidey spots, full open access to...
  7. A

    Sick or hormonal?

    Hi! I have a blue Quaker named Fish and she is 5 years old. I have noticed some odd signs recently and will be taking her to the vet, but any outside input in the meantime would be helpful. The first sign I noticed was her at the bottom of her cage chewing up a dead leaf that fell from one of my...
  8. C

    Help! 1 person bird or hormonal?

    Hello! I need some help. I've had cockatiels since 2019 but in ~June 2022 a friend found a Lovebird on the street, lost, and with red suffusion. My friend doesn't want birds but I told him to bring him to me so I could take care of the bird at least until it was healthy, because I couldn't let...
  9. B

    Deslorelin Implant Help

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and desperate. I have a two year old cockatiel named Pietri who I love dearly. I have been dealing with her being a chronic egg layer and an extremely hormonal female tiel. I am currently going to a CAV near my home who has been aiding me in treating her...
  10. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  11. kinqquail

    Possible Hormonal Behavior?

    Hello, I've had my GCC for a little over a month now and I've gotten him from an ex-breeder who was getting out of the hobby. He's not my first parrot however he is my first companion parrot so I'm not too used to having a parrot that willingly loves to spend time with me haha A little about my...
  12. Ava.rg

    My bird keeps trying to mate with me

    It started with him regurgitating which I successfully got him to stop doing. But now he always tries to rub up on me. :( At least I know he’s a boy. He’s been doing this for a while now.I can always tell when he’s about to cause he starts to really annoyingly nibble on my fingers. He also gets...
  13. P

    Conure going through puberty?

    Hello all! I got a 1.5 year old Conure over a week ago and Cookie was going on my hands and shoulders fine, didn’t bite me at all, loved getting cuddles. There have been a few days where Cookie was very vocal and loud but today Cookie just wants to bite and come after your hands as soon as...
  14. C

    Casey acting increasingly hostile towards fiance

    My fiance has raised Casey our Quaker for 7 years. she is now 8 years old. for the past year since I've come into their lives, Casey has begun to prefer me but was still okay with my fiance holding her or going near her, or even playing with her when I wasn't in sight. For the past 3 months...
  15. A

    Hormonal Quaker?

    Hi all, I've had Arthur, my 1 year and 7 month old male quaker, for a little under a year and a half. He loves learning new phrases, flying and shredding toys but lately his behavior has been getting bad. I'm used to him yelling when we leave him alone in a room and I understand that's his...
  16. Z

    How to calm a male’s hormones

    Hello everyone, My boy lovebird has a hanging perch toy that he regurgitates on and grinds on. I took it away, but now he is trying to do it with a pillow, a new toy, maybe even me? He also makes this “click” sound and walks around in circles or back and forth when he likes a new object, and...
  17. L

    GCC is a bit of a hormonal mess

    Hi all, created an account to get some more advice after scrolling through countless threads. I've recently inherited a pineapple GCC after a family member passed. I've always had birds but haven't had parrots since I was young, and have never had a conure. Sara is at least 5 years old and has...
  18. S

    Green cheek conure behaviour

    Hello, I recently adopted a 3 year old male GC conure who grew up with an African Grey and also baby conures as the owner was a breeder. She said he was becoming too territorial over her grey who was older, and i assumed it was due to hormonal behaviour. After a week he started perching in high...
  19. D

    Aggressive Yellow Naped Amazon

    I have had Arnold for approximately 36 years - I believe that she is very likely around 42 years old. Arnold is a hen, despite her name. My wife and I discovered her sex shortly after she moved in with us as she nested and laid an egg - she did this several times over the course of her life...
  20. T

    Quaker on a Rampage

    I'm a first time bird owner with a two year old quaker parrot named Nyx who is the light of my life. He's goofy and lovable and a really great companion, but I've started having problems with him the last month. I have five zebra finches as well, including two females, and I usually had them in...
  21. B

    Questions about Green Cheek conures

    Hi! I am getting a male green cheek soon, and I have never owned a bird. I have heard about the hormonal stage? Like they get nippy and scream? 1. Do they all go through this stage? (im assuming so) 2. When they start screaming, do they eventually go back to being quiet birds, or will they...
  22. Bowden

    Hormonal 10 yr old CAG?

    Hello! This is my first post other than the 1st "hello" post, so bear with me - I have not yet learned the lingo here. �� Anywho on to the issue- I just recently within the last few weeks traded a mini colt for a ACG, because the family has a young son is is very sick with a left...
  23. H

    Help Me, I Think I Messed Up... Happy's Not Happy

    Happy seems hormonal. He just seems all around annoyed with life. My once "somewhat" independent, calm Happy bird is now clingy and unhappy with all his toys. I'm sure I made things worse by letting him fly to my bed and hang out with me. He has a blanket that I would wrap around him and he...
  24. Destornis

    Aggressive conure - help please!

    Hello, I am very new to this forum, and I need some help with my GCC. I am not sure if the conure is a male or female, but I'm not exactly sure if that will effect my problems. My conure is extremely aggressive towards other people besides me. I have had conures for a few years now, but this one...
  25. FunnyFarmAK

    HELP, Keep my CAG's from breeding

    I have a 28 yr. male and 24 yr. female, CAG's who were never friends but now I can't keep them apart. I don't want my CAG's to breed. We don't think they have bred yet but just caught them about to engage. (even out in public) We have not given them a private place or any privacy and all 7...
  26. veimar

    So upset...

    Okay, I hoped with doing all my research and knowing what's going on I won't need to ask for help here, but I'm beyond upset now. If you read about birds being hormonal they fulfill ALL the points on that list! :( I have two crazy hormonal birds at home right now - Coco, my lovebird, and Parry...
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