Hi All, I own a Black Capped Lory (Male). I have had him since he was 4 months old, purchased from a hand-reared breeder. He used to be very friendly with everyone but as he got older, he began to show aggression towards people he wasnt familiar with, where only I could handle him. When he was...
Hi, this is my first post, and I could really use some help with my bird's recent aggressive behavior. My bird is a little more than a year old, and I believe his aggression might be related to a mirror toy in his cage, possibly due to hormonal changes. Today, when I tried to let him step onto...
Please help! My solo female Great Billed Parrot is about to lay her third clutch of unfertilized eggs since May and I'm getting worried about her health.
The first two eggs she laid broke on the cage floor so I replaced them with dummy eggs, but she did not accept those as her own. She may have...
I have a 5~6 year old alexandrine male (who i suspect to be a ringneck hybrid), who i got last year as a rehome. i know nothing about his previous owners/care other than that they have had many types of birds, and would frequently rehome/cycle through birds
when i first got him, it wasnt as bad...
I made a post here a while ago explaining that my (supposedly female, I haven't sexed her but I'm just guessing) Jenday was being aggressive towards some of my family members, and that it was likely hormonal behavior ... I thought it would end, but has almost gotten worse ...
My Jenday conure...
I have 2 female kakarikis, we had them in Nov 21 as young birds. They seem pair bonded to each other and are housed in the same cage.
One of them keeps laying bad eggs, she first lays egg white and/or yolk and then normally after a day or so lays the shell. It's normally curled up on itself. It...
Hello there. Let me preface this by saying I am trying my damn best right now. I have a conure and a cockatiel, both males, with which the conure is about 8 months old and my cockatiel about 2 or so years (unknown, tbh). They bonded, but I have to keep them separate because my cockatiel will try...
Hi! I have a blue Quaker named Fish and she is 5 years old. I have noticed some odd signs recently and will be taking her to the vet, but any outside input in the meantime would be helpful. The first sign I noticed was her at the bottom of her cage chewing up a dead leaf that fell from one of my...
I have two green cheek conures— Louie and Mango. I’m pretty sure Louie is male and Mango is female. Louie has always been a biter, drawing blood on multiple occasions, and his favorite places to bite are my lips, nose, ears, and fingers; however, he is not always like this. He enjoys cuddling...
Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol)
I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
I'm a first time bird owner and I got my lovebird, Percy, a few months ago. He came from a previous owner who couldn't give him enough attention, we think he's around 10 months old now. Now I say he, but he hasn't been sexed and I'm starting to think he's far more likely to be a female. I've...
Hi! Me again! My Budgie Dee had been a bit off today, he's been really moody today and im not 100% sure why. For starters he is flapping his wings on the spot, he is squawking, he is trying to feed me? Oh he is also biting me, being overly affectionate, his poop is GREEN!? (Slightly but still)...
I am hoping for some advice with our Red Belly, Al. He is 26 years old, and we just adopted him about 3 months ago. Ever since we got him he has always had an obsession with doors. Opening rooms, closets, the fridge, cupboards, etc would always result in him flying across the room and trying to...
It started with him regurgitating which I successfully got him to stop doing. But now he always tries to rub up on me. :( At least I know he’s a boy. He’s been doing this for a while now.I can always tell when he’s about to cause he starts to really annoyingly nibble on my fingers. He also gets...
Okay, so I finally figured out how to get a video onto here, so here it is: https://www.facebook.com/bentgirl/videos/10158741417234512/
This is something Francis does EXCESSIVELY. Mostly on my husband but also somewhat on me and on some of his toys. He makes regurgitating motions but rarely...
Hello everyone.
I have a 17 yr old female blue and gold macaw that is acting very hormonal for the first time. She laid eggs in my closet. About 30 days later I slowly removed the eggs. Well the next day after removing the last egg, she lays another one.
How can I stop this? She is very loving...
Hello all!
I got a 1.5 year old Conure over a week ago and Cookie was going on my hands and shoulders fine, didn’t bite me at all, loved getting cuddles.
There have been a few days where Cookie was very vocal and loud but today Cookie just wants to bite and come after your hands as soon as...
Hello everyone!
My male IRN baby often does this displaying behavior where he puts his wings into a heart shape, and does some crazy eye-pinning. He also regurgitates sometimes. He started doing this 2-3 days ago.
Is it normal for birds to act like this at such a young age?
Where do I begin.
I will explain our entire relationship so you can better understand and help me. Please I'm so desperate
We bought fancy, a turquoise green cheek when he was 3 months old...cute little bugger. The second we got him we were able to hold him..didn't bite..nothing. I bought him...
Hi all, new to the forums and amazons.
A quick intro into my predicament...
My husband and I own a bfa female, Chelsea. We've had her since she was 6-8months old, shes now about 2.5-3years.
When we brought her home, she seemed to like men and women equally. As shes gotten older, she prefers...
My macaw tries to regurgitate on me every time I scratch his head. I don’t pet him anywhere else since I know the dangers of a hormonal bird and how unfair it is in general but his past owners only ever stroked his tail due to being afraid of his beak and the owners before them were very abusive...
Hey y’all, my little guy Keo is going through a VERY hormonal stage. He’s about a year old now, I’d attach pictures but I’m on mobile atm (if you know how to upload images correctly via mobile feel free to let me know!) but anyways!
I’m doing everything I can to discourage Keo from this...
Okay, I know everyone's immediate reaction is it's jealousy, but it's not as simple as that. Please allow me to share some history:
When I got Beaubeau (he's a Nanday) as a baby, he was so sweet, not just to me but to almost everyone. He gradually became more attached to me and not as friendly...
hello All -
Sorry to annoy you again with more questions. Some of you may recall an earlier post of mine about a week ago re: possible molting of my 5-6month old ekkie hen. Most of you put me at ease, and as one poster suggested, her Blue Eye ring in in fact coming in now so I'm much less...
Our blue and gold is a crazy hormonal aggressive bird.... not our mild mannered little princess we used to have.
A little history: We have two macaws Marley, the blue and gold who is 16 and Harley, a harlequin who is 14. My husband picked them out as eggs, and raised them with his...
Hi everyone! I have a question on some unusual behaviour from my GCC. He is 3 years old now just as of the other day (never got a DNA test so gender couldn't be either)
Last month (October) i noticed that he was masterbating more than normal, or what I call, being a dirty birdy. Then I noticed...
Hey Everyone,
Firstly I am very new to both owning a parrot and the parrotforums. I have had nothing but canaries for the last 10 years, and sadly lost my old girl to a tumour. I decided that I wanted to acquire a bird that would last a bit longer, therefore I could get more time with.
I have...
I am calling out to all who are experienced Too human flock mates...I have had my U2 (Sheba) for only a month. I am her 3rd home in a short amount of time. Her first home was a very unhealthy environment and none of her needs were being met, so the woman I adopted her from rescued her...
My Ekkie's been acting wierd lately. I got her about 2 weeks ago, and she's starting to settle in really well. She's started talking and she's always grinding her beak and cooing.
However, lately she hasn't been eating much at all, just drinking water, and when I feed her from my hand she'll...
I couldn't find anything about it online and I'm not even sure birds do that, but that is what her behavior seems like. For the past few weeks instead of hopping onto my hand when I go to her cage, she will shy away from my hand at first, then come up to it and rub her head, bite my hand (very...
I keep her in the dark, in a walk-in closet, for 12 hours at night: from 6pm to 6am.
I think that might help, a little, but she is still obsessive about nesting. She is always looking for a place to nest, and always looking to shred paper to put in her tail feathers.
She still does this...
I have a gorgeous female Solomon Island Eclectus named Oriana. I raised her from the time she was a grey ball of fuzz. She attended college, etc. with me and is very well socialized. She has even done pet therapy in nursing homes, etc. She is nearly 14. I suffered through her terrible twos...
I have a 15 year old Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Last December she laid 2 eggs, which surprised the heck out of me. She laid her first while sitting on my shoulder!! She had this 'kicking or digging" behavior which I've never seen until this past year.
The holistic vet started her on a...