
  1. K

    Whistle sound from nostril.

    Whenever my cockatiel hisses at me or gets really aggressive, I notice a very thin, wind-like sound coming from his nostrils. It’s almost as if his nostrils act like a flute, creating the sound when air passes through. While I occasionally hear it during intense hissing, I’ve noticed it happens...
  2. T

    Concure I’m back corner on the bottom of the cage all of a sudden

    Hi, I have had my sun concure Zazu for about 2 weeks now. He’s 3 months old and all of a sudden is in the back corner of the cage. He lunged and hissed at me when I went to fix one of his toys that he dropped and when I changed his water. He’s extremely friendly towards me and has never done...
  3. J

    10 weeks old today!

    Hello everyone, ive really been getting into this site and seeing what people have been posting, even people blogging daily on there little chicks. So, Kiwi is now 10 weeks old! Already growing so fast! My little Ki-Ki is better daily with me, still not to keen coming up to me straight...
  4. M

    Conure weird hissing behavior

    Hi guys! Haven't posted in a while. So I adopted my 2 year old sun conure, Merri, about a month ago. She is warming up perfectly to me. We do everything together. However, lately she's been doing this weird hissing thing at me. Every time I go and scratch her head, she will enjoy it! She even...
  5. E

    My First Cockatoo is a Rescue

    How it started: Hello my name is Erick, and I just recently bought a Cockatoo from a local pet store very recently. The reason I bought him was because when I went to the gym very late at night (anywhere from 1AM- 4AM) I would past a pet store and see him all alone in a cage and I have to say...
  6. L

    What to do for fly by attacks

    We got a couple Cockatoos a few months ago. When we first got them they were great with both my husband and myself. About a week or so after Chevy, the female decided she hates my husband. He has not done anything to her, she would lay with him and let him scratch her head before. Now if he...
  7. Soul

    Sudden Behavioral Change

    My 3-year-old 'tiel has suddenly been acting very aggressive towards me. We've always had a very good relationship. We play this game where we "blow kisses" to each other. Essentially, he just mimics a kissing sound and I would do it back or vice versa. In fact, just last night he was blowing...
  8. L

    Words of advice for new Sun Conure?

    Recently got a sun Conure and his behavior is baffling me! So far he hates being taken out of his cage and will run in circles when I try to pick him up. I don't like forcing him out but I don't know how else to start teaching him to step and get used to being handled. Once he's out of the cage...
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