help soon

  1. Sa_2503

    New bird advice

    First of all, I have to apologize, this situation was not in my control. This will mostly be a vent/rant but I will also ask for advice. I had been inquiring about getting a parrot I was going for an Eclectus or even a macaw, and my family was mostly on board (as I am 17 years old). I decided...
  2. I

    still weaning green cheek conure

    Hi my baby's name is ivy and i dont know the hatch date but they are fully feathered and are currently at 3 feedings i got them last saturday i dont know how to post anywhere else so im gonna ask my question here(if you can tell me how that would be great) they were eating 3 feedings yesterday...
  3. CarmenTheGrey

    I need your help!

    I joined this forum when I first got my grey Carmen. She’s a rescue and I was inexperienced with taming and befriending a large parrot. This community gave me nothing but understanding, love, and help! She is now my companion for life and I can’t imagine life without her. So, I ask for your help...
  4. H

    in between two birds!

    Hello my name is Dorian and I had a love bird when I was younger. It was hand fed and I don't remember it being really afraid of me. It was my second bird because the one that was originally sold to me was so sweet and tame but died like a week later from unknown sources so they gave me the...
  5. S

    2 new Cockatiels

    Hello Everyone I got 2 new Cockatiels :yellow1: :grey: that were abandoned at my work place in a shoe box. They are about a year old and TERRIFIED of everything. I have been working with them to gain their trust but they don't seem like they want anything to do with me. So far I can get one to...
  6. L

    New Member :)

    Hi all, My name is Louis, im nearly 22 years old and i am currently a beginner Zoo Keeper in Essex (Bird Team:)) I am hoping soon to become an owner of a green cheek conure. And i know there are millions of threads on cage size, but i still need advice. I just need someone to help me...
  7. S

    Sick bird?

    I recently got a new lovebird. She was very lively yesterday, chirping and hopping around her cage. I gave her some slivered almonds (I looked it up online and many sources said it was ok for her to eat them), and for the next three hours she was rummaging through her food bowl... According to...
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