help please

  1. B

    Deslorelin Implant Help

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and desperate. I have a two year old cockatiel named Pietri who I love dearly. I have been dealing with her being a chronic egg layer and an extremely hormonal female tiel. I am currently going to a CAV near my home who has been aiding me in treating her...
  2. S

    Budgies and kitten

    I am getting a kitten next week, and I already have two budgies. The budgies are in their cage most of the day downstairs in the living room, the living room doesn't have a door, it's very open. When I let them out for exercise, we go upstairs in my room, because the living room has too many...
  3. R

    Budgie Is Bleeding

    Budgie is Hurt Please Help! Hi, It’s been awhile since I’ve used the forums so I’m not sure if I’m using it right again but I’m not really sure what to do. I took my two budgies to the bird store I got them from to get their nails trimmed. Usually the owner does the grooming and it goes well...
  4. M

    My Eclectus are driving me crazy, please help!

    Hi everybody I'm new here and joined in a very desperate state. I live in a house with 2 cats and 1 African Grey and a pair of Eclectus. My pair of Eclectus is now 1.8 years old. And I've had them for almost 1 year and 4 months. Having raised a baby African Grey, I was very patient in my...
  5. A

    Should I get a conure?

    Hi everybody! I’m a new member (or, well, a person who’s been lurking for the past year or so), and I’m hoping to get a parrot as an emotional support animal. However, I’m really afraid I won’t be a good parront. I’m a first time bird owner and a college student, so there are a lot of concerns I...
  6. R

    I don't know what to do.

    I recently got a green cheek conure thinking I can raise a happy bird and finally own one as I have been wanting too for years. I had a plan and did research and suddenly my work shifts changed without warning. So now I can barely be home to be near her and I don't think she would be happy...
  7. P

    Tips on switching cages for a nervous birdie

    My nanday conure, Mort, is very attached to her cage. Some days she won't want to leave it, and the top removes, so if we want her to interact with us in another room we need to tote the top along with us. (Might also partially be because shes not a fan of being handled/ hands/ sometimes even...
  8. Peaches_The_Sun_Conure


    Concerned Bird mama!! I'm a tad new to owning a bird, so excuse my unnecessary fear. So recently when me and Peachy (my bird) were hanging out, I noticed a little bald spot right in the center of her chest. I can see her skin if i move the downy feathers a tad. She's just finishing up her...
  9. N

    Baby Conure Noises

    Hey y'all, I have had my first conure for a month or so now, she's a little baby (4 months old) so she's still discovering her voice and volume levels. One noise, however, I'm a little worried about. It's like a vibrating squeaky chirp (video attached, it's quiet so have volume up) YouTube...
  10. S

    please help my dove

    Hello everyone!! Ill try to keep this short. So I have a albino ring neck dove. I've had her for about a year now no issues at all. She is living with 2 other birds , a male cockatiel :grey:about 1 year old and a male Green Cheek Conure:green2: about 5 years old. Everything was fine until one...
  11. P

    Looking for new cage suggestions- Nandy Conure

    Hi all! I'm looking to get a bit of a bigger/ more fitting cage for my Nanday Conure. I don't really know what would be best, I've been looking at sizes online but I'd like to hear some personal thoughts from other bird and conure owners, and what kinds you guys like. My current cage is...
  12. P

    Nanday conure humping? Maybe?

    My Nanday Mort has started rubbing her bum on everything (humping, I guess). Her toys, perches, food bowl... Everything. Is this something I should stop, or be concerned with? I usually try to distract her, but she has started doing it more and more. Any advice is helpful, I'm a newbie! :green2:
  13. Jedig

    Non-toxic bird cages

    I had noticed that my lovebird has been urinating frequently and in big amounts. I took him to the vet a few days ago and they took x-rays which showed that he has small pieces of metal inside his body. I was absolutely shocked and devastated at the same time. He is currently at the vet...
  14. Billdore

    Brand Spanking New

    I've been thinking about making a new addition to the family. I'm just now seriously researching which type of parrot would fit for me. I'm home a lot and have a lot of space. Money is an issue so I wondered what the monthly fees and vet bills look like. I would like to offer premium care so...
  15. H

    Help! Tips when considering a conure?

    So I've been thinking about getting a green cheek for about 2 months now and I've done lots of research. I have 3 calm, small dogs, and I've had many pets before. What are the ups and downs of owning a green cheek? Do you think they're a good choice for first time bird owners? Thanks!:D
  16. A

    I have always wanted a conure, but I have some questions.

    Hello, my name is Mikayla and Im a bit of a bird nerd. I've just gotten my first real job and can finally save to adopt a feather baby! I have done gratuitous amounts of research and know that I myself am ready, but I'm not sure my situation is. So I figured I'd ask experienced conure owners to...
  17. Annaa

    Is my sun conure sick?

    I recently bought a sun conure from a private breeder. Tutti, my sun conure, is 3 months old so the seller gave me the baby food that I mix with warm water. But ever since I bought Tutti, he's been sneezing. I've had him for 5 days, and he sneezes on a daily basis, a few times in the morning...
  18. A

    Help Help Help Alexandrine Issues

    Hey Guys - I have an Alex and he is 3 on Saturday 18/7/15. He has just started this new thing where he will regurgitate on 2 of his perches/ toys. He will get caught up in what he is doing and will do it for what feels like forever... But when I catch him I distract him and get him away from it...
  19. Luffbox

    How can I make my senior lutino comfortable?

    I've had my baby girl for roughly 7 years. She is an estimated twenty years old. I rescued her from a negligent owner that caused her permanent liver damage, arthritis and partial blindness. I've done all I can for her health wise, but she has gotten to the point that anymore car rides are out...
  20. S

    Plz help me My jenday conure eating less

    its almost 15 days i am noticing that my female jenday conure has been eating less but she is active playful drinking water well so why she is eating less ?? is it because of cold weather??
  21. W

    Weird African Grey - Help Please

    Hello. Me and my family have owned 4 African greys. The last one was a genius in talking, acting dancing... unfortunately he flew away and my mom entered a depression. My dad bought a new parrot, while i was studiying abroad. I come back after 2 years, to find a parrot with strange behavior. I...
  22. K

    Training help?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old Timneh Grey. At first, he really loved my mother. I would try bonding with him, but he wouldn't show any interest even if I offered treats. He would take the treats and eat them next to my mom. Being the sensitive person I am, my feeling were hurt. For 4 months I...
  23. G

    Is it normal for a Conure to have saliva? HELP

    hello guys i am in desperate need of answers because i read online somewhere it had said that conures cant really taste peppers and spicy peppers like ceyenne peppers simply because they dont have saliva. This is the first time i am noticing my bird have saliva because as i was on my phone...
  24. P

    Change in behavior...please advise!

    Hello, I need some advise with one of my amazons. I have a yellow nape amazon Holly and 3 days ago she started to attack me. First time she jumped on me when I wanted to give a treat to my blue fronted amazon ( Chucky) before i gave it to her.She was outside the cage and jumped on me trying to...
  25. J

    need help with vicious parrot

    Hello everyone:) Last September i got a female eclectus parrot to keep my lovely male happy. As i don't get my birds straight from breeders (i see so many owners trying to get rid of their birds as they don't think they can give there birds a good life or can't deal with them any more and i...
  26. Kay

    Hello from Indiana!

    Hello everyone! My name is Kayla (or Kay) and after thinking it over I finally joined a forum based on birds. I'm Dog Bather (and aspiring Groomer) from Indiana. I love animals, always have since I was young, and have known since I can remember that I wanted to dedicate my life to them. I...
  27. Rora

    Please meet Tango! Also, I'd like some advice if possible :D

    I got my Sunday conure “Tango” from a male breeder about two days ago, he’s ten weeks old and he’s friendly. He’s currently fallen asleep while I’ve been stroking his stomach or back and sits on my shoulder or accepts treats from me , but he screams when my boyfriend comes into the room (I think...
  28. A

    New owner requesting advice

    Hi there! So i've recently set my eyes on owning a green cheek conure but i have never owned a parrot before. I have been reading alot about parrots, mostly about their diets and toxic fumes and have watched plenty of videos. i was just wondering if i can get a few tips on getting prepared on...
  29. S

    need help with teflon products

    HI soon to be macaw owner well aware of the effects cooking with teflon pans can have to birds and don't wish to think of the consequences, all teflon pans will be removed and replaced before arrival. my question however is that there are people in my house that use straighteners/curling...
  30. I

    Best Bird?

    Whats the best bird for me? I did research on the ones that I want--a larger bird (Senegals, African Greys, Blue and Gold Macaw, Cockatiel, Green Cheek Conure, Eclectus) Which one would do better with a busy owner (Note: I'm trying to get a stay-at-home-job) and somewhat quieter, for neighbors...
  31. J

    sensitive question

    hello, new to the forum, I just lost my 19 year old lovebird hours ago... our vet is closed today and tomorrow reopening Monday. We would like to have him cremated in a nice box but are not sure how to preserve him the next couple days before taking him in. I know freezing is an option but how...
  32. Jamie_95

    Found baby lorikeet

    Hey everyone, I'm Jamie, 17 and from Australia :) This morning i found a baby Lorikeet tangled in some long grass. He couldnt fly and i couldnt find find any nests around where i found him. I'm not exactly sure how old he is, but he doesnt have all his colour yet or all of his feathers. I fed...
  33. P

    Am I doing it right?

    Hi there. I bought a Blue Indian Ring neck of the age of about 6 months or so in October of 2012. She wasn't tame at all when i got her. She would run away from my hand, bite it and so on. It is April now, so 6 months have passed so she is about 1 years old.She is a lot more tame. She lets me...
  34. L

    Help!! My kakariki laid an egg?

    Hi guys. My kak (Sunny)laid her first ever egg last night but sadly i found it this morning cracked at the bottom of the cage and it was leaking. She wasnt near it (it was like she new it was broken) so i took it away? did i do the wrong thing?? Ive gave her a nest box and shes been in there for...
  35. S

    2 new Cockatiels

    Hello Everyone I got 2 new Cockatiels :yellow1: :grey: that were abandoned at my work place in a shoe box. They are about a year old and TERRIFIED of everything. I have been working with them to gain their trust but they don't seem like they want anything to do with me. So far I can get one to...
  36. T

    Trouble with a Split Personality Goffin Cockatoo ... Coconut

    I've sorted through the posts here and found similar situations, but nothing QUITE like our predicament with Coconut. Please note that I am a total Newb. I never owned a bird or lived with birds up until 7 months ago. I was strictly a cat lady ... and then I found the love of my life and his...
  37. 1

    Help Please On Montana Finka 11 Play Glym cage

    Hi, I have just put up my Montana Finka 11 Cage with Play gym on the top. I need help please as the top grill slides in but can easily be lifted up if the play gym tray is not on top. Am i missing any parts to hold this grill into place? seems strange that i have good solid cage with a good lock...
  38. Joshuwaaa

    Addition to the flock

    Hi, I just wanted to ask some advice really regarding the male eclectus. I currently have a male green cheek conure who I love to bits, an I really would like to add a male eclectus to our crew :)! I live in a very nice apartment an even when Cricket, my GCC, screeches I get no complaints...
  39. F

    Cage shy?

    So I have had my Nanday's for almost 2 weeks now Whenever I am home. and I mean whenever. Their door is open. And all they seem to do is sit on the one perch in their cage. Gonzo will move a little when I get close, but Maggie will go and hide on the inside roof of the cage. When I am home I...
  40. M

    Help: Senegal has Brown spots on beak

    Hey everyone, This is the first time I'm posting here. First time poster and first time parrot owner. My Senegal has peeling brown spots on its beak along with a brown spot on the front-middle of its beak. What could the problem be? I'm not sure if I should bring him (or her?) to the vet...
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