help cockatiel

  1. R

    Need help with my three cockatiels

    Hello everyone this is my first time posting in any sort of thread,just registered and signed up to ask for help as I can't sleep without worries(since this is my first time having cockatiels),English isn't my first English and I live in a third world country.I have three cockatiels named...
  2. T

    first time laying eggs? help?

    Hello! I have a cockatiel named Tea that is showing signs of laying eggs. She turns 7 in about a month and she’s showing some behaviors that i’m worried about. First thing that concerns me is her poop, they’re a normal/slightly brighter green color but the actual poop is very small but...
  3. Pearla7096

    Aggressions problem

    Hi, this is my first post, and I could really use some help with my bird's recent aggressive behavior. My bird is a little more than a year old, and I believe his aggression might be related to a mirror toy in his cage, possibly due to hormonal changes. Today, when I tried to let him step onto...
  4. C

    Need help urgently with my 6+month old cockatiel!

    I'm not sure when this injury occured but im guessing around 3am when he had a night fright. i didnt notice until i came back from school, and now im worried that this injry is lethal or something. the blood looks dried but still im worried
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