
  1. Mekaisto

    A different kind of Easter egg

    Chook is a buzzard. A buzzard who LOVES eggs! So of course, Easter is his favourite time of the year. In the wild, black-breasted buzzards use stones to crack open emu eggs, which help fatten them up for the breeding season. Black-breasted buzzards are only found in Australia, and actually...
  2. WannaBeAParrot

    Safety Question: Is he safe from hawks and crows while on shoulder outdoors?

    There are all kinds of critters flying and funning around where we are vacationing in rural upstate New York mountains -- lots of black crows and, I imagine, hawks, owls, etc. If Pritti is on my shoulder, should I consider him he safe from a predatory bird swooping down to get him off me. Do...
  3. T

    Hawk attacks!!!!!!

    I have been having many problems with hawk attacks. This same hawk keeps attacking my cockatiel cage. It is 1/2 inch wire, so not worried about him getting in, but don't want my birds to have a hart attack. He has been sitting in the same tree in my yard every day for a few days, and every half...
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