
  1. CherokeeFlats

    Hello from Farmer City, IL

    Hello everyone, I am super excited to be here. I have a lot of critters here on the farm including a male Cockatiel named REN and 2 babies I am handfeeding because their mama passed away the day they hatched. I have no clue why. They are growing and doing great! Check out my profile for more...
  2. BourkeHaven

    Handfeeding older babies?

    I have a pair that has successfully raised babies before. I keep Bourkes. They had three babies, they abandoned the runt that fell out of the nest before they had feathers, still had an egg tooth he was quite a bit younger. I took him and am handfeeding, they are all old enough they are fledged...
  3. S

    Please HELP baby conure not eating

    I recently had to take over hand feeding on a 4 week old green cheek conure. I have never handfed before but did a lot of research to try to help this baby survive. He has been eating well until today. He ate 11ml in the morning, next feeding, wouldn’t eat at all. Got 2 ml in but that’s it and...
  4. J

    Sun conure baby suggestion

    So my sun baby's parents plucked its feathers. Will they grow back? its age is around 40 days.
  5. J

    Baby yellow sided green cheek is not eating

    So I recently got a yellow sided green cheek conure.It's age is about 40-45 days. I handfed it for like - 4-5 days. In those 4-5 days, when it saw the food it came screaming for food. But now it doesn't want to eat. Rather I have to make it eat. Furthermore, there is winter ongoing in my...
  6. S

    2 month old baby Jandaya conure feeding

    Hello everyone, I got a 2 month old Baby Jandaya conure yesterday. I have been told to feed her 5ml every 8 hrs. Which I have been doing since I got her, but for some reason she's always hungry. I am afraid that I'm not feeding her enough, she's always bobbing her head and trying to suck on my...
  7. S

    5 week old GCC refusing formula

    I recently got a green cheek conure. I brought him home at 4 weeks and hes a little over 5 weeks old. I have been feeding him veta farm neocare formula and he's been eating it properly (5 feeds per day of 2 tablespoons-full making sure the crop isnt too full and streching out as per instructions...
  8. J

    Do I need to forcefeed young parrot?

    Hi everyone, I have a new baby Senegal (close to day 3 at her new home now). I've named her Olive. The shop owner says she is a little over 2 months old and needs to be fed formula 2 times a day (but only as a supplement), because she has started to eat small pellets herself as well. I'm...
  9. I

    i am about to get an Alexandrine chick of 2 -2.5 months

    Hi i am Ady and i am a new member here. i am about to buy a chick of about 2-2.5 moths. i do have the experience of taking care of parrots as i had lutino love birds and an Indian ring neck but love birds were adult and ring neck was 6 months old so i do not have any experience of Hand feeding...
  10. S

    My suncoure vomiting

    Hi my name is sudhan from India. I am having two baby sun conure i am new two conure species already I am breeding buggies, cocktails and finches my baby sun conure age is 6 weeks and I am hand feeding for past 1 week using crop needle of 14 g size at first I started feeding 10cc per feeding...
  11. M

    Do I still need to hand feed my sun conure?

    Hey, my sun conure is about 6-7 months old and still seems to be handfeeding. My sun conure now eats less of the formula but still likes it. I think my bird eats somewhere near 10cc and i called the pet store and they said stop feeding them when they don’t eat anymore of the formula but ITS BEEN...
  12. Jemano

    Questions about my 8 week old baby macaw

    Hi everyone! I am new to this thread and usually trying to find answers looking through old threads, and i finally figured out how to ask questions on here lol. I recently bought a 7 week old catalina baby macaw :red1: and love him. I have had him for one week now and have been hand feeding him...
  13. N

    Question regarding 9 month Harlequin Macaw

    I haven't been on here for a bit so first here is a quick update on Raiden, I found out he is a she. She's grown up quite a bit since my last post. It seems her feathers have changed colors a bit, she used to be green on her head and back and now is more of an orange green mix (I guess their...
  14. O

    Sick Baby Eclectus. Green urates! help :(

    I've had my baby female for about 2 1/2 weeks now. She was always an eager eater! 2 days ago, she started eating considerably less. I'm also raising an white fronted Amazon and a green conure in the same brooder. I Quarantined her right away. As I used papertowles as a substrate, I...
  15. R

    Handfeeding 2 month old Alex baby

    Hi, I got an Alexandrine parrot baby (2 months old) five days ago, so now it's about 9 weeks old. When I got it the breeder told me that it was on two 25ml handfeeds a day (one morning and one night) and to keep feeding it for another three weeks. The breeder also gave me the formula and...
  16. MarciaLove

    4 week old lovebird refusing formula help!

    ok so I have hand-fed lovebirds before, the first clutch I had I totally hand-fed and I didn't have this problem though. The second clutch i hand-fed some but also let the parents mainly care for them. I was forced to put these in a brooder and hand-feed them myself because the daddy lovebird...
  17. xTRIGx

    our GCC babies!

    Ziggy and Forest now have 5 babies! we're going to hand raise them.. we're started the oldest 2 already :) here are some pictures of the 2 that are hand feeding now:
  18. L

    New Member, Lucas.

    I'm new to bird ownership and it has been quite challenging. Four weeks ago I adopted a 4-week old scarlet macaw. So far, it is doing great, but I am somewhat sleep deprived. After I got it, we went to the avian vet, and everything seemed fine. A local breeder who has been very helpful with my...
  19. S

    Lovebird Eggs

    So about a week ago one of my female lovebirds laid four eggs. She is bonded with a male, so I believe they are fertile. Though I have bird experience, I have not dealt with newly hatched baby birds. I saw in a few places and was told that I would not necessarily have to hand feed the babies and...
  20. Amber

    So I just bought $40 worth of formula a few days ago...

    And Alex decided that day that he would finally give up the formula. He was still on two feeds a day (At nearly 5 months old so it's about time) and now I'm lucky if he will eat a spoonful at night! What does one do with a massive bag of formula you don't really need?! :p:rolleyes: Typical...
  21. L

    Warning Harissons Handfeeding Formula

    We recently had a close call with Harissons Handfeeding formula, and I am posting on this site because I don't want someone else to go through the same experience. Before I start, a little history: we have 6 birds- 2 African greys (2 yrs & 12 weeks), 2 Caiques (2.5 yrs & 2 yrs) and 2 Jenday...
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