grumpy bird

  1. Rico_Tiel

    got any chop recipes for a picky gremlin?

    Rico is super picky and sensory sensitive but is willing to try new things if it fits his picky wants. can't be too soft, can't be too wet, can't be too red but there should be some because he will be less interested if there isn't any, can't have pomegranate because I am mildly allergic, and...
  2. Meet Grumpybird

    Meet Grumpybird

    Forget Grumpycat! Introducing GRUMPYBIRD.
  3. E

    Does anyone know a Canadian rescue center?

    We have a bird to rehome. We don't know the gender. So from here on out I'm just going to call him/her "Dory" or 'she/her' as my grandmother believe it's female. Dory is the whole reason I got a bird in the first place. Though Dory is not exactly a friendly bird. I don't judge. Poor thing hadn't...
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