
  1. F

    new conure sleeping a lot

    hi. so this weekend I got a green cheek conure and the breeder said she is about 4 and a half months old. she seems to be adjusting fine, and she is not very scared of me. the only thing is, she sleeps A LOT. I know baby parrots need a lot of resting time, but it's almost like she sleeps more...
  2. aprilrain

    2 GCC Need a Home in Southern California

    Looking for a home to adopt 2 green cheek conures. They must stay together. Must already have GCCs and be knowledgeable. Will not sell to bird sellers or breeders. I want them to go to a good home. Male 4.5 years old (Mojo) Female 1.5-year-old (Sweet pea) Healthy, happy birds. Both are step-up...
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    He's a sweet boy
  4. G

    Green cheek screaming at bedtime.

    I have a green cheek (7 months old, gender unknown but we refer to him as he) who seems to hate going to bed. When we put him to bed we cover his cage and move it to a different room so he’s able to have quietness, we move him into a spare room at 8:20, give him a few treats, leave a hallway...
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    This is my new green cheek conure! His name is laddu (which is just a cool sweet) but his nickname is chomper since not everyone can pronounce his name :D! He’s 2 months old, incredibly nibby and likes to hang upside down!
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    Ponyos' first day home
  7. Alig8torByte

    What birds will live happily with Green cheek Conures?

    I’m about to move away from my old home and my parents, With this new move he will have far less time out of the cage. I’m worried that all the time caged will bore him and I want to buy him a companion to keep him happy, he has been with two other birds before, both cockatiels and both he...
  8. shohagysaima

    HELP! New GCC Baby Hatchling Lying On Back

    Hi guys, my green cheek Conure layed and hatched some eggs the first week of August this year and one of the babies seems to be lying on it’s back all the time. Is this normal? The mother is feeding the baby whenever and the abdomen is bigger than the crop. Is this normal too? I’ve been my...
  9. N

    I'm finally winning him around!!

    So this isn't a question but I am absolutely overjoyed at me and Yoshi's progress.. After a month of absolute stress, Yoshi is finally realising I'm a friend (or a treat-giver). In the last 4 days we have made huge progress. I think this could possibly help someone who's still in the taming...
  10. N

    Is this normal behaviour? First time bird owner confused

    Is this normal behaviour? First time bird owner!! Going to try and keep this as short as possible - I'm a new bird owner, got my 3-5 month old GCC (Yoshi) 2 weeks this thursday - I know this isn't a long time at all and I have not been rushing him to get comfortable with me and my family. Just...
  11. N

    My new conure is terrified of my hands! Help!

    Hi all, I got my little yoshi (GCC) 6 days ago, I've started to let him out for the past 2 days and he's fine, he doesn't get freaked out if i get to close to him but as soon as i put my hands towards him he flies away. Today i let him out and closed his cage door - i figured this way he won't...
  12. N

    Advice? New Green Cheek Conure

    I got my 3-5 month old green cheek conure 3 days ago and am not sure how to proceed with his taming - He seems pretty happy in his cage, he's eating (loves grapes), playing (destroying) with his toys and hopping around any time i play music - I think this is pretty good considering I only got...
  13. S

    White Spot on Green Cheek's Tongue?

    I just noticed that my green cheek conure, Shado, has a white spot on the tip of her tongue. It's a pretty good size, like a safflower seed but round. Maybe even a little bigger. She keeps making chewing noises too. She's still eating and drinking and I've been trying to get her to eat veggies...
  14. S

    I'm scared that my bird will die...

    My green cheek conure, Shado, is only 2 years old, and today she was hanging out on top of my door lik she usually does. I didn't see her there though, and I went to close my door and I didn't see what happened, but she panicked and flew across the room onto the floor. She was breathing heavy...
  15. S

    I'm Getting Another GREEN CHEEK CONURE

    So, I decided to get another GCC. I already have a pineapple named Shado whom I love very much, but I think we could both use another companion. I don't know if Shado is a boy or girl, unfortunately, I was too cheap to do the DNA test when I got her (I say her) a year ago. She is almost 2 years...
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